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<br />e,
<br />
<br />HUp.62Q9 B
<br />(9.69)
<br />
<br />1
<br />
<br />with respect to any other defaults by the Redeveloper under this Section rr
<br />with respect to the p!lrtic:.;lar defa.ult eJ.-cept t.o 7D(: ext.ent Bpccifl('f,:! y
<br />waived in writi",,,_
<br />
<br />SEC. 707. Enforced Delay in performance for Causes Bey(md C0:1~1'. i.
<br />Pat'ty~ For th<:: S of"unyN"'of lJ;-PrC;:V~f$ions of the AgrQem;;nt~-n;~i (
<br />the u1\.gency nor the :F.edeveloper, [1,5 c'S.se ma;]' be, nor nul' Sl],,'-e,eCSOi' ~,I1
<br />interest, sh-sJl 'be considered in breach of, or d~f8;l)lt int itr; ~'
<br />with rc,sppct to the preparation of t.he property for redeveloT'l"ent[ or th
<br />beginnine; and cOillple tion of co!!.su'ucu.on. z'f the ts, or pr,->,,\"
<br />respect thereto, in the event of enforced delay in t.he perfO!"lTI$.nce <.,1' c'
<br />obligations due to unforeseeable "au!');>s beyond its control and wit.holl'
<br />fault or negligen~e, including, but not rest.ricted to, acts of God, act" \ ,
<br />the public enemy) acts of the Federal Government, acts of the other pany,
<br />fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restl'iot.ions 1 st.rikes, freight,
<br />embargoes, ar,d unUi':-UI.1J.ly severe v.-eather or delays of svbcontrc,ctors due "t.}
<br />such causes; it being the purpose and intent of this provlf<ion tha.t in 1"
<br />ev e occurrence of any such enforced delay, the time or times f(I""
<br />pe ormance of the obligations of the Agency with respect to the prepar\H1.\'
<br />of the Property for redevelopment or of the RedevE,loper with n1.spect te'
<br />construction of the Improvements, us the case may be, shall be eyt.ended
<br />the period of the enforced delay as clet.<:rmined by th" A0ency: provi'lC',i,
<br />That the party seeking the benefit of the provisions of this Section
<br />within ten (10) clu~'s after the beginning of e,ny selch enforced delay, i::\",
<br />first notified the other party thereof in writing, and of th~ causs ,1r
<br />causes thereof, and X'e<',luested an extensioll for the I'0riod of thE- erf,!'"..,'
<br />
<br />SEC. 708. Rights and Remedies Cumulative. 'I'nc rights and remejje"
<br />the parties to the -Agree;;;ent, whether provided by 18," or l,y the f..grN'u'
<br />shall be cumulative, and the exercise by either purty e,f anyone or 1"0T" (,!
<br />such remedies shall not pre"lude the exercise by it, o.t the same or
<br />different t,imes, of any other such remedi>es fo:' the' same defc.1.!lt 01 ,..,
<br />or of any of its remedies for arlY o1.her default or breach by t.he ot!,.'!]:' f
<br />No waiver made by eHher such party with respect. to t.he perronr.".n'Ce, ,',
<br />manner or time thereof, or any obligation of the other par~y or uny
<br />condition to its 0"'11 obligation under the Agreement shull be eonsid,,!'n!
<br />waiver of any rights of the party mal<:.' the waiver .ith resl'cc:t to l'",
<br />particular obligation of t.he other p Y or condition to its OWll 001 ig,'.' I
<br />beyond those expressly waived in wri g 811'] to the ext"nt thereof, or I'
<br />waiver in any respect in regard to any ot.her rifl)1ts of the pa.rty maki nre en,
<br />waiver or any other obligations of the ot.her party.
<br />
<br />SEC. 709, party in position of Surety With 1\espect to ObligHUons
<br />The Redeveloper, for ltsel!' fU1,fitssumsSO:rs"Bn{Y Bs':'ir~~n;'1- 'Mer fo'i:- r-
<br />other f\~~r$ODS ',.rho -01:"r-: or \P"!H) ehnJ.l tV:'Cf:xnCf ,~!tv?i_h0r 1.1',' eyl)j:-esEi UX'
<br />assumpti.otl or ot.hel'ldise, liable upon OX" Sl,lbJ(.;cL to Q.,~l:i r;).Ji:itj"..", ";"
<br />'. '. under the .Ae;reClllent, hereby waives, to the fullest extent permitted by lllw .
<br />BPS {'qtd t-;t; sny -f'.""(:d 131.1 C'1r~'_'r:!\'?_ or d,r!fenses othpT':vriBP available' on' the [rnC)j1r~r1
<br />of its (or their) being or havJ,ng become a p:erso!J in the- posjtL)l1
<br />surety, \Jhether 1'1?':[tl, j or Clther'dis~ or vh~;-ther by e,gr(~f;mF:'nt or
<br />operation of ] $ow, including, without. limi tation on 'Lhe gel1f're.l i ty 01 tL
<br />fo.regQing, a.ny and all claims and dc' fenses DhHf:d l!v,)ll extcn~, J (.:rl of :. f
<br />indulgence, or tHpdlfic:s.tiC>H of' t(~T"L.. of cont,!'n,Gt.
<br />~ 20 -
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