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NS-2677 - Approving a Development Agreement Between the City of Santa Ana and Main Street, Concourse LLC
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2005 (NS-2674 - NS-2706)
NS-2677 - Approving a Development Agreement Between the City of Santa Ana and Main Street, Concourse LLC
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Last modified
1/3/2012 1:00:53 PM
Creation date
3/21/2005 1:50:47 PM
City Clerk
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<br />and Occupancy for any building, or five (5) years <br />from the effective date of this Agreement, <br />whichever comes first: <br /> <br />With respect to the Final Design, Owner shall complete all construction and development, shall <br />submit all plans, drawings, and other documents, and perform all of its obligations under this <br />Agreement within the times specified above. During periods of construction of the work of <br />public art encompassed in the Public Art Locational Plan, Owner shall submit to the City a <br />written report of the progress of the construction when and as reasonably requested by the City. <br />The report shall be in such form and detail as may be reasonably required by the City, and shall <br />include a reasonable number of construction photographs (if requested) taken from the last report <br />by Owner. Development scheduling or date or times of performance may be subject to revision <br />from time to time if first mutually agreed to in writing. Such revisions do not constitute <br />amendments requiring further notice and public hearing. <br /> <br />5.8.2 Inclusionary Housing Fee. Owner shall pay to the City the sum of <br />$3,000.00 per residential unit (or live-work unit) as a condition of issuance of each building <br />permit. This fee shall be used by the City to build new or substantially rehabilitate existing <br />affordable housing in the City. <br /> <br />5.8.3 Cultural In-Lieu Fee. The parties acknowledge that the Original <br />Agreement included the requirement that Owner construct a 125-fixed seat legitimate theater as <br />part of a dual-purpose, "multiplex" motion picture theater complex Due to modifications to the <br />Project from the Original Agreement to this Agreement, Owner agrees that in lieu of <br />constructing said theater, it will pay the City a fee of$400,000.00 upon the issuance of the first <br />building permit for the Project. The City agrees to use this fee toward the design and <br />construction of a theater. <br /> <br />5.8.4. Park Requirements. <br /> <br />a. Santiago Park Improvements. The Owner shall pay a special Santiago <br />Park fee of $1.64 per square foot of net rentable or salable square feet of development as a <br />condition of issuance of each building permit. The parties acknowledge and agree that this <br />contribution is in addition to any tax or fee or dedication imposed by the City on new residential <br />development. The City shall use said fees for deferred maintenance and capital improvements to <br />Santiago Park. If not used or appropriated within five years after payment, this fee shall be <br />returned to Owner, consistent with the provisions of and exceptions contained within the <br />California Mitigation Fee Act, Government Code § 66000 et seq. This fee shall be offset against <br />the fee owed the City pursuant to section 5.8.4(b) of this Agreement (i.e., the amount in the "In- <br />Lieu Park Fee" required of Owner shall be reduced by an amount equal to the special Santiago <br />Park fee paid by Owner pursuant to this section). <br /> <br />b. In-Lieu Park Fee. The Owner shall pay an "in lieu" fee at the value of <br />$35.50 per square foot of area to be dedicated pursuant to the standard established by section 34- <br />204 et seq. of the Santa Ana Municipal Code, as specified in the City's site plan review letter; <br />provided, however that the fee may be increased yearly by the average rate of increase in land <br />12 <br /> <br />Ordinance NS-2677 <br />Page 16 of 38 <br />
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