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LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />TEMPORARARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT <br /> <br />THE LANqD REFERRED TO HEREhN IS SITUATED hN THE STATE OF CALIt:OtL'NrT-A, COUNTY OF <br />ORANGE, CITY OF SANTA ANA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />10' TEiVIPORARY CONSTRUCTION F_~SEh, EENT <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> A.P, No. 410-151.02 <br /> <br />That portion of. Parcel 1 in the City of Santa Ann, County of Orange, State of Califomi~ <br />ms shown on a map fdcd [n Book 2'1, page 3 of P~c¢l lVlaps in the office of the County <br />Recorder of said Count2', descrlbcd as follows:. <br /> <br />Beginning at ~ point on the east line of said Parcel distm~t North 00=39'51" East, 130.63 <br />feet measured'along said eaSterly'line from the Northeast comer of that certain Parcel <br />as shown on a map file in Book 16~page 48 of Parcel Maps ia the office or,id County, <br />thence North $9~20'09'' West 10.00 feet, ,~aid point also being the beginning ora tangent <br />cu.o,'c concave northwesterly and having a radius of 82.00 feet; thence southerly along <br />said curve t}u'ough a central angle of 17°15'13'' a distance 6f 24.69 feet to the beghm[ng <br />of a rcvcme cttrvc COncaVe easterly and having a radi'~ of 11 g.00 feet, said reVerSe curve <br />also being tangent at its southerly terminus to a line that is parallel with and 71.00 feet <br />westerly o£ the centerliae of Main Street as shown on s~id first mentioned Map, a radial <br />line of said reverse curve through said point bears North 72°04'55" West; ~enee <br />southerly along .said reverse cun'c through a central angle of 17°15'13" a distance of. <br />35.53 to.its point, of tangency wi'& the last mentioned parallel line; thence Sow& <br />00'=39'51'' West, 71.56 feet along said parallel line to '~e ~orthe. rb' line of said certain <br />parcel 1 filed in Book 16, page 48 of Parcel Maps; thence North 8~°57'59'' Ea~ ~0.00 <br />feht along said northerly line to a llne 61.00 feet W~terly of the centedine of Main Street <br />as.shown on said fu'st mentioned Map, thence North. 00~=39'51~' East. 71.42 along said <br />line to thc beginning of a tangent cur','c concave easterly and having ~ radius of 108.00 <br />feet; thence northe.rly along said ctrr-ve thro .ugh.a central angle of 17015' 13" a <br />32.52 feet to the beg/nn/ng nfs reverse curie concave nor',.hwe~erly mad having a md;us <br />of 92.00 feet, said ~eversc curve also being tangent at its northerly terminus to a kine that <br />is p:~x-alleI with and 52.00 feet westerly of the centerline of Main St4'eet as sho'. <br />first mentioned Map, a radial line of said reverse curve through said point b-~ <br />72°04'56" V,'est; thence nor-&¢rly albng smd reverse cur~e tkrough a cen~al angle of <br />17°15'i3'' a distance of 27.70 to im point of taagency with the las~ mentioned parallel <br />line .said point ~so being the Point of Begkming. <br /> <br />Prepazed by <br />Paragon Partners Ltd. <br />57(>2 I3olsa Ave., Suite 20I <br />Huntington Beach, CA 92649 <br />714-379-3.376 <br /> <br /> <br />