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LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />EX IT <br /> <br /> LAN'rD REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED Exl THE STATE OF CALIYOR_NL~, COUNTY <br />OP,_~NGE, CITY OF SANTA A_NA, AND IS DESCRI]gED AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A.P. No. 410-151-02 <br /> <br />That portion of Parcel 1 {n the City of Saat*. Ama, Count' of Orange, State of California., <br />as show'n on a map £d~d in Bc~k 21, page 3 of P~el Maps La thc o~'tcc of ~e Cotm~' <br />Recorder ofsald Coung', descried as foliows: <br /> <br />BEGINNING at a imint on thb. e~t'of sa]91 Parcel distant North 00° 39~ 5 I" Ems[,." <br />130.63 :feet measured along .*a[cl easterly linc from the lNorth~ corner of that certain <br />parcel I ms shown on ~ map fdcd in Book 16, page ~,8 of ParceI Maps in thc office qfsaid <br />Count)', said point also beh~g the begim~ing ora tangent cu.we concave northwc~qcdy and <br />having a radius t0f92.00 fcct; thence souLhcrl)' along sald curve tkrough a ccntrM angle of <br />17} 15' 13" a distxncc of 27.70 l'crt to thc l:x:glrudng of a reverse curvc concave easterly <br />and h'av/ng a radius of 108.00 feet, smd re¥¢rs¢ curve aim being txngent at its southerly' <br />termknus to a line that is parallel x~Sth and 61.00 feet westerly of the ccnterline of Main <br />Street as sho'~m on sald first mentioned Map, a radial linc of.xaid reverse cu.,~'e throu~ <br />said point be~s]qorth 72: 04' 56" West; thence sou~erly ,'dlong s~kl rcvcrse cuwc <br />through a centrM angle o[ 17~ 15' 13" a distance of 32.52 to iL~ point o£tangeaey ',,Ath the <br />last.raeationed pa.wdlel Ii,ne; three $ourt~ 00° 39' 51" West, 71.42 fc~t along ~ald paralld <br />linc to thc nor'dar, ri7 line Of said ccrt.'in P~Cel 1 fired in"Book 16, page 48 'of Parcel <br />Maps; thence Nor~& 89? 57' 52" East, 9.00 fzct along smd no:X.herly li.r~s ~o the Northeast <br />comer o£ that certain Parcel 1 filed in Book 16, page 48 of Parcel Maps; thence Norlh <br />39' 51" East, 130.63 along said easterly line of s~id f'arcel I filed ha Book 21, page 3 <br />Pz~'ccl Maps to the Point of BegL~'mg. <br /> <br />prepared 135' <br />Paragon Partners Ltd. <br />5762 Bolsa Ave., Sue, Ce 20I <br />Huntington Beactx, CA 92649 <br />714-379-3376 <br /> <br />Donald S. Dorsfy/ Date <br />p.L.%. 4527 ~/ Exp. 09!30/02 <br /> <br /> <br />