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<br />1 and One-Stop Partners into a single comprehensive center providing a mix of <br />2 core. intensive. and training services to businesses seeking employees and <br />3 part i ci pants seeki ng jobs under vari ous federal and state fundi ng programs. <br />4 The centers have been established statewide. pursuant to the federal Workforce <br />5 Investment Act of 1998. to implement a collaborative system of employment <br />6 training and educat~on programs and services in support of California's <br />7 economic development. <br />8 4.7 One-Stop Partner: One of the entities responsible for conducting <br />9 the day-to-day activities associated with the delivery of workforce <br />10 development services to employers and job seeking customers. including daily <br />11 management. supervision. and coordination of staff physically co-located at <br />12 the Santa Ana WORK Center. <br />13 4.8 Participant: A recipient of CalWORKs financial assistance <br />14 benefits who has voluntarily enrolled or is required to participate in the <br />15 program pursuant to state regulations. <br />16 4.9 Supportive Services: Payments provided to or on behalf of WTW <br />17 participants for child care. transportation and ancillary expense costs. <br />18 4.10 Welfare-To-Work (WTW): A mandated program under CalWORKs which <br />19 requires parents or caretakers in families on welfare. unless exempted. to <br />20 meet work requirements by participating in Welfare-To-Work activities with a <br />21 goal of unsubsidized employment leading to self-sufficiency. <br />22 4.11 Work Experience: A planned. structured learning experience that <br />23 takes place in a workplace for a limited period of time. It is designed to <br />24 gain exposure to the working world and its requirements. <br />25 4.12 Workforce Investment Act (WIA): The Federal Workforce Investment <br />26 Act of 1998 provides the framework for a national workforce preparation and <br />27 emp 1 oyment system. Ti t 1 e 1 of the WIA authori zes and funds a number of <br />28 employment and training programs in California. Workforce investment <br /> <br />(WSH060SJ <br /> <br />6 of 37 <br /> <br />(March 7. 200S) <br />