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Last modified
8/23/2021 1:09:15 PM
Creation date
10/7/2005 9:45:58 AM
Company Name
National Council on Alcoholism & Drug
Contract #
Community Development
Council Approval Date
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W. Description of Work - in space below, describe the program to be funded during the 12- <br />month contract period including, services to be provided, program goals, client <br />characteristics, & how grant funds will be utilized. <br />NCADD-OC formed the Drug Court Foundation to provide services to and support for participants in, <br />and graduates (alumni) of, the Orange County Drug Court Program, The Foundation has provided <br />services that the Drug Court Team has determined are best suited to meet the critical needs of the <br />participants and alumni and adjusted services as needs change based on input from the Foundation's <br />Advisory Board whose members include representatives of the Drug Court program. The Foundation <br />currently provides the following services: <br />• Emergency Dental/Medical Assistance. Through the 2003-04 and 2004-05 Santa Ana CDBG <br />grants, the Foundation has provided emergency dental care to numerous participants through <br />reduced cost services performed by Jay Bauman DDS, a Santa Ana dentist. The Foundation <br />intends to continue to provide these services that, based on applications and input from the Drug <br />Court team, are required by a large percentage of Santa Ana participants. <br />• Transportation Vouchers. The Foundation has, through donations and the 2004-05 Santa Ana <br />CDBG Grant, provided participants with OCTA bus passes. The bus passes allow participants to <br />attend their mandatory Court appearances, Probation Department and Health Care appointments <br />and comply with program requirements. <br />• Opportunities to Satisfy the Cultural and Civic Activities. The Foundation will continue to <br />offer participants the opportunity, at no cost to the participant, to satisfy Drug Court cultural and <br />civic event requirements. The Foundation's has arranged tours of the Getty Museum and the <br />Laguna Canyon Wilderness. <br />*Link Participants With Resources. The Foundation will complement the efforts of the Drug <br />Court team by linking participants with existing publicly and privately funded agencies that <br />identify housing opportunities, address medical/dental needs, provide job training and <br />employment opportunities. For example, the Foundation has linked participants with the <br />Lenscrafters' "Gift of Sight" program and, in doing so, provided participants with free eye exams <br />and glasses as well as linking with "Women Helping Women" with business attire and the skills <br />and support to find employment. <br />• Residential Treatment Beds. The Foundation has received donated residential treatment/sober <br />living beds valued at more than $100,000 and has made these beds available to those who would <br />otherwise not be able to enroll in Drug Court. These donations will continue through the 2005-06 <br />fiscal year. <br />• Assistance in Meeting Educational Requirements. The Foundation has established <br />programs that provide participants with information, guidance and support regarding the <br />admission process, course requirements, class scheduling and financial aid opportunities that will <br />help them satisfy the educational requirements of the Drug Court Program. <br />• Alumni Outreach Program. The Foundation has established two Drug Court Alumni Groups — <br />with graduates from Central Court and Newport Harbor/Laguna Niguel Court. These Alumni <br />Groups have already begun to make court appearances on behalf of the Foundation to speak with <br />persons in custody, announce events provided by the alumni and to mentor current participants. <br />Alumni also speak at programs aimed at school age youth who are just beginning to experiment <br />with drugs and/or alcohol - such as the Juvenile Alcohol Drug Education (JADE) program <br />sponsored by NCADD-OC - and participate in social activities promoted either by the <br />Foundation or by other graduates. <br />
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