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its own act, omission or negligence. The limitation of liability contained in paragraph 5.3 and the waiver contained in Paragraph <br />R are not applicable to the provisions of this Paragraph 9 <br />10. TERMINATION. <br />The following events shall_ at the nondefaulting Party's option. constitute a default and result in the <br />termination of this Agreement <br />10.1 Breach or default of any of the terms, obligations, covenants, or representations under this <br />Agreement, which is waived in writing by the nondefaulting party. <br />10.2 Either Party makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors. <br />103 A receiver of all or substantially all of the property of either Party shall be appointed and not <br />removed within thirty (30) days. <br />10.4 Either Party files a petition for reorganization under the provision of federal bankruptcy laws. <br />10.5 Either Party tiles a petition for an arrangement under federal bankruptcy laws. <br />10.6 Either Party becomes or is declared insolvent. <br />10.7 Either Part- tiles a petition in bankruptcy or is adjudged to be bankrupt. <br />II PROTECTION OF SEC'rRAN'S CONFIDENTIAL TRADE SECRETS AND PROPRIE fARY <br />INFORMATION. <br />11.1 For purpose of this Provision, the term "Confidential Information - shall mean any information or <br />compilation of information that CUSTOMER Icarus or develops during the course of its relationship with SECTRAN that derives <br />independent economic value from not being generally known, or readily ascertainable by proper means, by other persons who <br />can obtain economic value front it disclosure or use, It includes, but is not limited to, trade secrets and may relate to such matters <br />as research and development, management systems, customer lists, techniques, sales and marketing plans and information. <br />112 CUSTOMER agrees not to directly or indirectly use or disclose or aid or abet the use of <br />Confidential Information for the benefit of anyone other than SECTRAN, including CUSTOMER, either during or after the term <br />hereof and for as long as the Confidential Information retains the characteristics described in paragraph I 1 1 above. <br />I l.3 All documents and tangible items provided to CUSTOMER by SECTRAN are the property <br />SECTRAN and shall be promptly returned to SEC IRAN on termination of this Agreement or any time requested by SECTRAN <br />together with all copies. recordings abstracts, notes or reproductions of any kind made from or about the documents and tangible <br />items or the information they contain. <br />11 4 CUSTOMER'S failure to comply with the provision of this Paragraph 1 I shall give SECTRAN the <br />right. in addition to all other remedies, SECTRAN may have to seek injunctive relief and to terminate any benefit or <br />compensation to which CUSTOMER may be otherwise entitled following termination of this Agreement. <br />12. CONTROLLING LAW - <br />'I he <br />AW.'Ihe validity, interpretation, and performance of this Agreement shall be controlled by and construed under <br />the laws of the State of California, the State in which this Agreement is being executed, not including the choice of law <br />provisions. <br />13. ASSIGNMENT. <br />Neither party shall have the right to assign this Agreement without the prior consent of the other party in <br />writing. <br />14. ATTORNEYSFEES. <br />In the event either party shall commence litigation to enforce any term or condition of this Agreement, the <br />prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of the actual attorneys' fees and costs incurred, in addition to any other <br />damages determined by the Court. <br />15. COMPLETENESS OF INSTRUMENT. <br />