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Sectran Security, Inc. <br />2/10/2015 <br />Philadelphia Ind Ins Co PI-MANU-1 (01/00) <br />Policy # PHPK1260323 <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY <br />Blanket Additional Insured <br />BLANXET P.DD--TIQNAL INSURED <br />Section 11 - Liability Coierage - A.I. WHO IS AN INSURED provision is <br />ainanded 1:)v the addition of the following: <br />e. Any person or organization for whom you are required by an "insured <br />ucntrav-t"" to provide insurance ima an "insured," subject to the following <br />additi,:,nal provi5ion5: <br />it Tne "irsured contract" must be in effect during the polir�y period <br />shown in the De,:13r3tlons and inu5t have been ,axe,.-uted pritr to the "bodily <br />injury" or "orrrperty damar[r-.." <br />(2) Tnis Person or organ i. zaticlr) is an "insured" only t,--, the extent you <br />.are liable due --o your cnQoinq operations for tLa-- insured, whether the wor➢: <br />is perfo-frned by •/cu or fa-- you, and only Lo the mx"Lent you are hl!!Id liable <br />foo an "acciden-" occurring while a ccvered "'aut,:." is being criven by yCU .:,17 <br />one of vour employees. <br />( 11 ) Tncrc IS no coverage rr0"ided to this or organL-2ati,---n for <br />"bodily injury" to its employees or for "property damages" to its property. <br />(4) Covetage for this pr-rson >rorganization shall. be limited t,:. the <br />extent of your negligence or fault according to the applicable principles of <br />romparative. 11P.9ligrnon 02: fault. <br />(s) Tae defense of anv claim or "suit" must be tendered by this person or <br />r rgani7ation as conn as tr all cr.hnr insurnrs wnirh po-cntially <br />provide insurance for suc-, claim .:,r "suit." <br />16) Tht. covrrFigc provided will not rxcet-.6 thr. c�f; <br />(at T"ne coveea,5e lirnics of this Policy; :,r <br />(b) Tne Lovuraju and/ur limits required by the "insured Lontrac--" <br />Cl) A petscAl's at orqani'ZaLirn's -,LnLus as an ""insured"" linjor this <br />subparagraph ends when yajur upuratiuns for that "insured" a --t-- oomplctud. <br />All other terms and conditions of this Policy remain unchanged, <br />Page I or I <br />CERT NO.: 2340d822 Hannah Peter 2/10/2015 2 05230 PM (PST) Page 2 of 2 <br />1,// z 0 5, - <br />C <br />