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(1) "Bodily injury" nr"property damage^; <br />(2) "Personal and advertising irjory"; <br />(3) Intentional injury, nor injury arising out nfwillful violation of penal statute or ordinance, <br />committed byorwith the knowledge orconsent pfthe insured; <br />(4) Any claim seeking relief or redress in any form other than monetary damages; <br />(5) Any claim arising out of any insured's activities, or as a fiduciary, under the Employment <br />Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, any amendments or any regulation or order <br />issued thereto; <br />(G) Any claim arising from warranties orguarantees made byany insured; <br />(7) Liability assumed bythe insured under any contract oragreement. This exclusion does <br />not apply to liability for damages: <br />(m) That the insured would have inthe absence ofthe contract oragreement; or <br />(b) Assumed inmcontract oragreement that ismninsured contract; <br />(8) Liability ahuimgfrom any fraudulent, dishonest, orcriminal act ofany imuured� <br />($) Liability arising from a claim made by a parent or subsidiary organization of the insured or <br />another subsidiary organization of such parent or other subsidiary, nor any officer, <br />director mr~emp|myeo^ofany ofthe above; and <br />(10) Any claim alleging, arising out of, resulting from, based upon or in consequence of, <br />&ectly or indirectly, any employment practices orany discrimination against any ponamn <br />or entity on any basis-, additionally, any actual or alleged violation of the Fair Labor <br />Standards Act orany simWorlaw orregulation applicable Gmthe payment ofwages ur <br />overtime. <br />(11) Liability arising directly or indirectly out ofany action, error oromission that <br />violates oris alleged tovio|ate� <br />(a) The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (T7CPA).indudingany amendment of or <br />addition tpsuch law; <br />(b) The CAN -SPAM Act of 2003, including any amendment of or addition to such law; <br />(c) The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and any amendment oforaddition tosuch <br />law, including the Fahr and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA);nr <br />(d) Any federal, state or local statute, ordinance or regulation, other than the TCPA, <br />CAN -SPAM Act of2003orFCRAand th6ramendments and additions, that <br />addresses, prohibits, or limits the printing, dissemination, disposal, collecting, <br />naoordin0, ownding, trememitting, communicating or distribution of material or <br />information. <br />c. SUPPLEMENTARYP/KYKUENTS—COVERAGESAANOBiaamendedtomemd ' <br />SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS — COVERAGES A.B,AND D '01 V E: <br />IM <br />Page 8of18 ev <br />17 <br />2O13Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company �^ � <br />Includes copyrighted mmteha|mfInsurance Semioem��f5ce.|no..with its permission. � 9 // <br />33392704 1 16^, —d 16 ,*K=t.,c���,�" � I =IvSi=­" | 1^a/2017 `.S".= °° /"M | ~aq" 9 f 11 <br />