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<br />. . <br /> <br />I,~> ':. .:r':t~.\;;,-..!"t,~_\''1.':;lr \ );':l';~'".'" ~ ,J'.' ~ ~,I' -\ ~ r:,,,:I'";~::~ 1.'...~:1;..'~..1...;,....'1;::~ "",' <br />. I. , . F' J , . 'I~ I . " :; , 'rll l~ifIj~\ <br />.~ ., .....'..1 ."",",-""," ~_..._,_--="~~-=--,,-=--_._L'-"~u..~~~~~~~ <br /> <br />1681 Dow AVeIlue, Suite B <br />TUltin, Ca. 91780 <br />(714) 159-1470 Fu 159-9310 <br /> <br />~." . -i.,', <~ :~ '-.-:',:1:. ,-" <br /> <br />REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION CTR. <br />ATTN:CAROLYNFULLERTON <br /> <br />.. . _ ..,~, '. _.( ',.,: :."~. I~;~~:r.r~-~,.~~~ <br /> <br />REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION CTR. <br />1000 E. SANTA ANA BLVD. <br />SANTA ANA, CA. 92701 <br /> <br /> <br />360 S.F. SUPPLY AND INSTALL 2 LAYERS OF 518- DRYWALL AT AREA OF <br />PREVIOUS PLASTER BOARD DEMO. PAINT AND FINISH WALLS TO <br />MATCH EXISTING CONDITIONS. <br /> <br />1.) All work is to be performed during normallluslneae houra. <br />2.) Sheppard Construction. Inc. will not lie raponaible for any tile damage <br />in the men's restroom due 10 drywall installalions. Tile repairs if needed <br />can be provided at an additional coal. <br />3.) Bid Is proposed to uHlhe onsile dumpslers provided by lhe lrain s1etion <br />for all conslruction disposal. <br />4.) Permits & plans If needed can be provided al an addlllonal coa\. <br />5.) Plumbing lICC8II8 panels If needed can be provided al an eddilional cost. <br />6.} New inlinll perteins 10 \he instlllled drywall on <br /> <br />All rMlMei iI ....,.... 10 be .. ~1Ml All WOf\: to be <br />camphttlld in . II.batenIiaI wortl.lMnl" lI'\Af'IMt ecc:otdInO to <br />apocif....... _. ... _ ___ Mt'-"" <br />_11on__~_--""'" <br />edC\Md UIKI" 'ItI"iIWl orderIlnd wd MooN an extra ot\IrII owr <br />II'ICI allOVe \M 1IIIm.... All agrelf'Mr\tl contlnpnt upon <br />_...... jOb.IIo .."dill.'" or lleIIl'llleyOIId our_. <br />NoCt: ThII DI'OIlODI /TlIJ' be wJthdrawn by waif not ~ wltNn <br />30 ..,.. Cor*aCIOfIi are ...1.d," to be lice"'" end rtgl.lleted br <br />UII CSL&. QueJCtonI nutd .. ,ef8n'8d to thIm It ","'","'08e. <br />_.__Inlhe",_oflhll_odlte <br />.....lIIng__ be _10110_ _ond....._. <br /> <br />PeyrnIIfQ l1Ol: INlIo wit*' tho ""'" f'OIM Nreln .,. MJec;t tv <br />IrnreI\ 111.6% per I'rI01'<<h ott the unpa\d HtlPtce. <br /> <br />t~r'~r~~~;ct ::""';1 <br />jl~ll.~ r ,t'...-., ,"'<:',:11-, <br /> <br />$1180.00 <br /> <br />&ccIiIttMell ... ......... . The 8bc1ve priteI. lpeeifieltiOflI anC! <br />conditionI ... utilflldlKr ... .... her1Ibr.ccapled. You.~ <br />IllAhariMd to do 1M wOl'k .. t,..cillM- PlytI'IIIl'II: wi. bI mt4t I' <br />-_. <br /> <br />Slgno..... <br /> <br />_01_ <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />; <br />