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<br />'_;-'('2>.P.'Y;:'Q2-0l 09: 04A <br />L '.....-. i...',.- -~:J U! u..:. U~f" <br /> <br />--- <br /> <br />-~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />ATTACHMENTD <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL IN.wllliD ENDORSF.MEl'lT <br />fQR COMMFRCIAL GENE&Af,. LIABILITY PO CY <br /> <br />Insurance Company ~~bW~. - <br /> <br />!.1'!J.r- <br /> <br />Thi' cndorsement mouif,es 5\ICh in~lIrnnce a5 is affurded by Ihe provi. ions of l'oliry <br />/I #.~J1."JIf _ relaling 10 the following; <br /> <br />1. The City uf Santa Ana, 20 CivIc Cenler Pla~a, Santa ^ n, Califomia <br />9270 I; its officers. employees. agenls. volunteers and representatives ro nllmed., <br />additiunal insureds ("addItional in,uredo") with regald to liability und e.feMe of SllltS <br />alising frum Ihe opera lions and uses performed hy or on hchalf of Ihe amed insured. <br /> <br />2. With respecllo c\<lims mising out of Ihe operalions and us,'~ performed hy <br />or on hcllalf of the namcd illlu/ed. such insurance a\ is afforded by Ih. policy is plimary <br />and" 1101 additional r" or conhihutillg with any olher insurance carrie by or f", Ihe <br />benefit of the addilional insureds. <br /> <br />3. This I!'ISllranCe applies sepuately to each insured again I whom claim is <br />made or suil is brought except with respect 10 the company's limits of r ability. The <br />inclusion of any per~on or organitalinn as an i!'l~urcrl shall nut affect a y risht whIch such <br />pcmm or urganizaliun would have as a claimant if nOt so includcd. <br /> <br />4. With re~pectl" the aduilional insureds, Ihis insurance ~ all not be <br />cancelled. or materially ..eluced in coveroge or limit. excepl afler thin (~O) day~ wrillcII <br />!'Iotice has been given 10 Ihe City of Santa Ana. 20 Civic Center Plaza, aflla Ana. <br />CalifomlU 9170 l. <br /> <br />(Complelion (If the l"olluwing. including euunler~ignatuJ(:, is requlled t make this <br />endorsemenr effective.) <br /> <br />Hre",ive #.t.!j()(. ., this endorsement oml as a pall of <br />Poljey /I li'ffD/- __ <br />Issued 1~dm.#:LfJ' I At?. ZlIl ,LQf(S ~f'. ,.s:.w7]J'A1t.I <br />Nameu Insured <br /> <br /> <br />Countemgned ~~~ ... -"'--- <br />Authorized Repres mauve <br /> <br />AN(~D VS ['0 : . <br /> <br /> <br />Michael Vigliolla <br />Deputy City ("....0. ,. <br /> <br />P.Ol <br />",~ <br />