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<br />Sent ay:.F~AGSTAFF INSURANCE; <br />. . -..... ....."... ~ '"" <br /> <br /> <br />'. . !I52lIZ1~ <br />I ' COMIIEIlCIIlL GENERAL UADIUTY <br />THIS ENOohSEMENT CHANGO THE POUCY. PlEASE A~ IT CAREFULLY. <br /> <br />520 779 1 765; <br /> <br />Oct-28-02 3:05PM; Page 2/2 <br />PalVumber 0046ZS-455'UM- <br /> <br />EXClUSI <br /> <br />ADDmONAllNSUREO <br />i - PRODUCTS-COMPLETED OPERATIONS <br /> <br />1 <br />I <br />This endorsement modi1le. in"ranee provided IInder the bllOwing: <br />,. <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL ~ASIUTY COVERAGE FOAM. <br />SCltIDUll <br />__ Ilf '- ar , (....IIIclMI......): <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA. it offieau. a,ants arid a.ployae' <br /> <br />(If no entJy appears above, i , <br />applicllble to thi5 ;) <br />t_ UlKIer Section II - WHO I ~ INSUMD, thefolJowlnl '- added: <br /> <br />1IolII'Iquillld 10 comp.thit endoraeme~t will be .hown in the Declarations as <br /> <br />IIIown III the abaw1l Schedule I. an Addltlonal ~.uted, but only with respect 10 liability <br />, ;ror that Insured by or for you. ' <br /> <br />2_ Under Section I, COYER. S, 2. Exclullons, the foIlowlllg exclusion is a~lld: <br /> <br />The iIIsurance provided . rein to the Additionallllsurad doe, not apply ~o the 'produets-completed operalion. <br />hazard'. <br /> <br />3_ Under Section III - UMIT . OF INSURANCE. lhe bllowlll9 it added: <br /> <br /> <br />TIlls Insurance i. prima for 1M penon or ol'g1llllzationIhOwIlIII tile Schedule, but only wit" felpect to liability <br />arislllg out of 'your woR. : far tbat ..._ or OI1l8IIizatlon by or far you. Other Ill8uralloo available 10 the p- <br />or organization ,howll : the ScIIedule will apply as _ Inaura_ llIld not contribute.. primary illsuranee <br />lolhe In8\lra_ pl'OYld by thi, endorsement. <br /> <br /> <br />. Additkll'IaI' lII.urn ... tlloM specified in tile (written COIllracl or agreement batween <br />- lessee or contrador, not toeX\l8edthe Umltl .JOVided in this policy. These limit. .re <br />Ion 10 III. limits of iRlurance shown ill lhe O.,laraliolll, <br /> <br />IAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS. 4. Olher Insurllnce, Ihe foIlowtng il added: <br /> <br />The timlts of liability for <br />Ihe insured and tbe ow <br />inclueiva of and not In & ' <br /> <br />4. Under Sectlon IV . CO <br /> <br />J ED AS <br />TIN!; LE H W ' <br />~,,,,a.cI"""l of -.......ll~'I... ilo",-_ <br />.1 COpll'lv~~ 1nI....tti'~ltlllI~f.1 <br /> <br /> <br />FORM <br /> <br />I <br />