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<br />payable under lI1e terms of lI1is Covel'llge Part or <br />thet ere in excelS of the IPplicllble Umlt of lnsur- <br />Ince. M agr8ld seltlement means I slltll8ment <br />and relnse 01 liability signed by us, II1s insured <br />and the claimant or the claimanfs Iegel repl'8Hn- <br />lative. <br />4. Other In.ur.nce. <br />If other vend and collectible insurance Is available <br />to the Insur8d far a loss we COlIer under <br />Coverages A or B of 1I11s Coverage Part, our obli- <br />gations are limlllld as fallows: <br />~ Prlmary Insurance <br />This insul'llnce Is primary except when b. <br />below applies. Ilthlllnaurance II primary, our <br />obllgaUons ars not affected unless .,y of the <br />other Insurence Is also primary. Then, we wiD <br />share with all that other Insurance by the <br />mell10d described In c. below. <br />b. Excess Insurance <br />This Insurance Is excess over eny of the other <br />Insurenee, whether primary, exces.. <br />contingent or on any oll1er basis: <br />(1) That Is Fire, Extended Coverage, <br />Builder's Risk, Installation Risk or similar <br />coverage far 'yourwork"; <br />(2) That is Fire Insurance for premises nsnted <br />to you or temporarily occupied by you with <br />permission of the owner; or <br />(3) If the loss arises out of the maintenance <br />or use of aircrafl, 'autos' or weten:raft to <br />the extent not subject to exclusion g. of <br />Coverage A (Section I). <br />IM1en this Insurance is excess, we wll hlIVll no <br />duty under Coverages A or B to dal'end the In- <br />sured against any 'sult' Wany other inaunar has a <br />duty to defend the insured agalnst f1al 'suit.. If <br />no other insurer defendl, we will underiakato do <br />10, but we will be enUUed to lI1e Inlured's rights <br />egelns! all those othlr Insurers. <br />lNhen this Insurance Is excess over other In. <br />surance, we will pay only our share of the <br />amount of the loss, If any, that exceeds lI1e <br />sumot. <br />(1) The total amount that all such other In- <br />surance would pay for the losS In the ab- <br />sence of lI1is insurance: end <br />(2) The total 01 ell deductible and self.lnsured <br />amounts under all that other Insurance. <br /> <br />CL 182 (1-96) <br />CG 00 01 01 96 <br /> <br />We will shere lI1e remaining loss, If any, with <br />any other inaunance that 18 not de8cribed In <br />this Excau lnsurence provision and was not <br />bought specifically to apply In excess of the <br />Umlts of Insurance shown in the Declarations <br />of this Coverage Part. <br />c. Method of Shlrlng <br />If all of the other Insurance permll8 contribu- <br />tion by equal shares, we will follow this <br />method also. Under II1ls approach each In- <br />surer contributes equal amounts until It has <br />paid ita applicable limit of insurance or none of <br />the loas remains, whichever comes firat. <br />If any of the olher Insurance does not permit <br />contribuUon by equal "'eres, we will oontrtb- <br />uta by limits, Under II1ls melhod, eech In- <br />surer's shaAl is based on the relic of Its eppfi. <br />cable limit of Insurance to the total applicable <br />limits of Insurance of 1111 Insurers. <br />5, Premium Audit. <br />a. We will compute all premiums for this Cover. <br />age Part in accordance with our NISs and <br />ratas, <br />b. Premium shown In this Coveregs Part as ad- <br />vance premium Is a deposit premium only. At <br />the close of each audit period we will compute <br />the earned pnsmlum for that perfod. Audit <br />premiums ere due snd psyable on notice to <br />lI1e first Named Insured. If the sum of the <br />advance and audit premiums paid for the <br />policy perfod Is greatar than lI1e eamed pre- <br />mium, we will retum the excess to the first <br />Named Insured. <br />c. The first Named Insured must keep records of <br />the InformaUon we need for premium com- <br />putation, and sand us copies at such Umes as <br />we may requesl <br />.. Repranntatlons, <br />By accepting this policy, you agree: <br />a. The statements In the Declarations ani accu. <br />rete and complete: <br />b. Those statements are based upon representa- <br />tions you II'1lIde tc us; and <br />c, we have Issued this policy In reliance upon <br />your repreaantltions, <br />7. Separation Of Insurads. <br />Except with nsspect to the Umits of Insunsnce, <br />and any rights or duties specifically aS$igned In <br />thIS Coverage Part to the first Named Insured, this <br />Insurance applies: <br /> <br />Copyright, InlUl'ln.. SI"I... 0lIl.., Inc.. 1894 <br /> <br />Pa;lsorl3 <br /> <br />J <br />