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<br />.:'-_. <br />-, <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />ADDITIONALINSUREO ENDORSEMENT <br /> <br />Insuranca Company ..GQlden ~1!I[J1e: InSllranr. ~n~p.."r.,tlgA <br /> <br />This Imdo~seml:f'lt modif\lili I;uch insurance 115 Is affordtl'l b~ Ihe provl~;ons of poncy <br /># CCPS1B302~S. . reltlting to the rol:owjng~ <br /> <br />1. The Cily of santa An" 20 Civic Center PI~ta, Santa An~, Caliiomia <br />9270;; its officers, .empIQYl,Ias. agenls. voluntellfs and reprtsllntlltives llre namBO as <br />sdditional insureds ("additional insureds") with re;aro 10 li211mty and defense of sUlt5 <br />IIri$inQ from Ihe operaliOns llnd UI/lS J:I&rformed bt or on beharr or the named insurec, <br /> <br />:/., With resp&ct to claims erising out 01 tile operation, Ilnd USElS pel10rmed by <br />or on beh.1f of the nimed insured, such Iflsulan~ Ill! i. afforded by this paliey is <br />primary IInd Is not additional to or oonVibuting with any other insuranoe (jalrled by or f,,, <br />the benefit of the Ilddltlonlll inaureds. <br /> <br />3. This insurance appliei! ae=arately to ~ach inBured against whom claim Is <br />, made or suit Is 'brought except willi ~gpect to the company's lit1'Ii\$ of lIablUly, The- <br />Inclu~ion of .ny perlon or orgllnl!:slian al an IMUrad shall not al1ect any rtght whl~h <br />!luch O'erion or OrllSnilllUon would have as iii claimer,ll! 1'10180 InclUded, <br /> <br />, "..~' . <br />.. <br />, ' <br />~ ': <br /> <br />4. Wilh r"peot to lh, additional InsuredS. this InaUf*nce shaH nol be 1 <br />cancelled, or materially reduced in covera~l:> or limits except !Ofter ll1irty (30) davs written I <br />r.olice has been Slven to Ihe City' of Sa'llt\! Ana. 20 Clvtc Clilnter Plue, Sante AnI!. I <br />California 92701. I <br /> <br />(Compietion 01 the folloWi!'lQ, iMluding CQ\,!f\t.rlllgnature, is required to make, this <br />endorsemen~ affective.) <br /> <br />Effective 11101100 <br />Polley I: CCf!6183OlJl! <br /> <br />_' this endorsemenl1on'!'l as a part of <br /> <br />15~Jed to starllaht Rftul!.tl.... I"'~ <br /> <br />N\lmed Insured <br /> <br />Thi, inlur.nee I' primary and non.contriblllorl'. ~ ~ <br />CounW&I~n~<1 tly IlL . <br />AU~fiIe<l R ruenta ive - <br /> <br />Ed w~vS:v0 t00E EE 'lnr <br /> <br />vvE8 ~~8 vtL 'ON 3NOHd <br /> <br />~NIN1~~1 ~31ndWOJ WO~~ <br />