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<br />D.c,2~06 05:40po From-ACCO SERV CE OPERATIONS <br /> <br />POLICV_ RT~13llDl1 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />+18182462S41 <br /> <br />T-248 P.OOS/Dla F-llS <br /> <br />TBJS ENDORSEMENT ':1IANGI:S l1IE lOLleY, PLEAsI: UAD CABUmLY <br /> <br />~'J Gliil'lJllLU.UAIIIUTV <br /> <br />ADnmONAL INSURED <br />(CONTRACTORS) <br /> <br />nil -wI-cmCIII:1IIodi&. mnr.n pl'D'Vidclllll(lq-tb fvllowiq: <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL UABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />COMMERCIAL GENERALLIABlLITY -CONTRAcrORS COVBRAGBPART <br /> <br />SCIIOVIJ!: <br /> <br />NAME OF PERsoN (S) OR ORCANI7ATION (S): <br />Tho Cllyof_ An-. Iso-., -*, ~.oII-.....ond_ <br /> <br />, 15IJ111 <br /> <br />PRo.n:crlLOCATION OF COVJ~ OPERATIONS: <br /> <br />- <br />Thio '''''''..nee .ppIies_.......1I> _, _ _inst""""" _ is modo or.... i. brwghI...._ _II> tho <br />compa"... - oflillblDly. Tho -. of any person <<_........,.."" _ _n no! oIIioc:lany IWII- """" <br />person or otganilation would have .. a c~ if not so inckJded. <br /> <br />1) WHOISANINsURlID-(SectonllJis <br />III!leDded to include the person or Ol'fBlri%a1:ion <br />shown in the SchoduIe oOovc. The po ""'" or <br /><:ql"ri"'"m does DOt 'l"*li1Y as an., lditional <br />m......u with mspect to the indcpo:odo at acts or <br />om;..;OIlS of such _ or "'ll"Oization. The <br />_ or "'ll"";7,.,;ng is onlY an additiooal insunod <br />with RlSpCCt 10 liability _ by "'yoQ' worlt" fOr <br />that additional insuzed allhe Iooatim! shown in the <br />~n-'ule_ <br /> <br />2) The io_cepoWled 10 the ..lditional <br />insurod is limited as follows: <br />0) In the eveIl1 that lhe limiIB u'liability <br />starad in the polWy .".,....r 1he limits of <br />liahiIity ""luiml by a wriUe:l contract of <br />wri1len ~ in effect <'miDg this <br />policy period. and sigood OIJC'. EOXe<:1Jled by <br />you prior to the loss for vJhiJb """""'8" is <br />sought. the iosImmce providld by 1his <br />~ sball be limilec' 10 the Ihnils <br />of liability requiml by ouch ~ of <br />agreement. This eodoneme:1l: shall not <br />increase the limits _ in :;ection ill _ <br />LIMITS OF INSURANCE. <br />b) The iosurance provided to Ii e adcIiti<xIal <br />iusmed does DOt apply to "bodily injoIy", <br />}au"",lt damageft or "ad"", tioi:ag iIgnry" <br />arisingollIoflDl~" ongineer'$ <br /> <br />or llUn8YOf'8 ,-.n'1g of or f8.ilure to roadcr my <br />p-~ . "'\II~.... ino1udiog: <br />I. The ........:- .ppmviog or faiIina to <br />J>I"Pllte or "PP"M' ClapS, shop dzawiogs, <br />opinioos, I"CpOIlB, surveys. field orders, <br /><:baDge onlen:. or dtllWioga and <br />speciIicalions; and <br />II. Supervisooy or imlpection aclivitics <br />ped\>abcd as pet of ""y Idaled <br />arcbi.1_ or ...w"~ aolivilics. <br />c) This iosurODce doeSlIOt 8PN 10 "bodiJy <br />iojuly" or y.~ <IamaaoN C8UIlld by <br />"'your work" iocIuded in tho "pod.uot.- <br />COIlIpIeled opcmticas haatd" t1IIIo8s you <br />..... reqt<D..d to povide such COVOAfO far <br />1be addiliaoal iusmed by a ..n-_t <br />or wri_ ~ in effect duriIlg this <br />policy period. and sigm:d and execulfld. by <br />you piorto 1be laos fu,. whioh covaage i. <br />&OUght and tben oaIy for the period. of time <br />required by such caotmc! or agr=rJent and <br />in DO event boyoml the expinIIion date of <br />1be poliey. <br />3) Subpart (1Xa) of the Pollution excIDSion UlIder <br />P_ph 2.,, of:ibJjJy II!jUIy and <br />Property Tlomor Liobility Coverage (Section I <br />-Cownraes) does DOl apply to you iftbe <br />"bodily <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />'''~; T/' <br /> <br />CGD247 1002 <br /> <br />~-aG <br />CopyrjrIJl. 1Ilcna....-I.-oty~ ../~ . <br /> <br /> <br />1 <br />