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Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
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Last modified
1/3/2012 4:48:03 PM
Creation date
3/15/2006 8:39:45 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
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Destruction Year
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<br />equipment shall be used. Employees of the CONTRACTOR who are unnecessarily noisy or who <br />violate the provisions of the State Motor Vehicle Code and/or any applicable CITY ordinance in the <br />collection of said materials shall be disciplined pursuant to CONTRACTOR's performance standards. <br /> <br />(d) CONTRACTOR shall equip all Solid Waste collection and Recycling vehicles which <br />collect Solid Waste within the CITY with informational displays. The CITY shall advise <br />CONTRACTOR as to the messages which should be displayed while said vehicles are operating for the <br />CITY. The CITY may, at its option, have the messages to be displayed changed once per year. <br /> <br />20. MAINTENANCE OF BINS AND ROLL-OFF CONTAINERS: <br /> <br />(a) Bins and roll-off containers provided by CONTRACTOR shall be of a design and size to <br />contain, at all times, the contents therein in such a manner as to promote best possible housekeeping <br />conditions. Bins and roll-off containers supplied by the CONTRACTOR shall, at all times, be <br />maintained by it in a well-kept appearance and shall be marked with reflectorized material where such <br />bins and/or roll-off containers are or may reasonably be expected to be located in the public right-of- <br />way. Customers shall be responsible for the cleanliness, sanitation and deodorizing of such bins and <br />roll-off containers; provided, however, CONTRACTOR shall provide in its agreements with its <br />Customers for a bin or roll-off container cleaning service, including painting either as needed, at the <br />request ofthe Customer or at the request ofthe CITY, for a fee of twenty five ($25.00) dollars. <br /> <br />(b) Curbside Service Units shall be responsible for the cleanliness and sanitation of the Solid <br />Waste collection and Recycling plastic carts provided to such units. <br /> <br />(c) CONTRACTOR shall cause to have graffiti removed from bins within two (2) business <br />days and from roll-off containers within five (5) business days of a request by CITY to do so. Failure <br />to remove the graffiti within the required two (2) business days for bins and five (5) business days for <br />roll-off containers, excluding holidays, shall result in the assessment of a two hundred dollar ($200.00) <br />fine to the CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR may charge the user of a bin or roll-off container which <br />requires such graffiti removal a charge of twenty five ($25.00) dollars per incident. <br /> <br />(d) The Solid Waste collection and Recycling plastic carts receiving curbside service shall be <br />replaced where found by CONTRACTOR. The CITY reserves the right, upon submission of proof by <br />the Curbside Service Unit, to withhold sufficient compensation under this Agreement to adjust and pay <br />any claim for Solid Waste collection and Recycling plastic carts damaged by the willful or careless acts <br />of the employees of the CONTRACTOR. Repairs and replacement costs for said plastic carts shall be <br />borne by CONTRACTOR; provided, however, that such repairs and/or replacements costs shall not be <br />borne by CONTRACTOR when caused by the wanton or intentional destruction thereof by the <br />Curbside Service Unit. Curbside Service Units shall be billed by CONTRACTOR for replacements <br />caused by intentional or wanton destruction. <br /> <br />21. COLLECTION OF BULKY ITEMS: <br /> <br />In order to promote public sanitation and reduce fire hazards, CONTRACTOR shall provide to <br />all Curbside Service Units the service of curbside collection of bulky items such as couches, <br /> <br />18 <br /> <br />25A-26 <br />
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