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<br />L'V,<<' A.Rc.:nl7.l1.'(::tUKi.: ,UVll .HJVulJVJ;q!,;RING Fl.RM$ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />;."- <br /> <br />:." <br /> <br />This blanket endorsement modifies insurance provid:od ~! the foUowing: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />< <br />" <br />" <br /> <br /> <br />I. The foUowing is added ro the business O'1mel'S liability covenSC form, BP 71 08: Item S. Of Section C. _ <br />WbD is an insw-cd, is deleted and rtplaced by the foUowing;' ~ <br /> <br /> .. <br />ADDmONAL INSURED-BY CONTRACl'. AGREEMENT OR PERMIT <br />Ally person oc orptizalioo (DallIed above) to whom or which you ItO obligared lly Yinne of. written COII!l1lct <br />It~iICUl or oermillO provide sach irIsumIce ,1$ aJforded by Ibis policy is In iDsuRcI, but only with respect 10 <br />liability arising OIU of: <br />.. "Your wort" rOf Ih.I iDsurcd by JllU, inc1ndll,g 1VClIt or ope.raliooa pedOlDll:d on your bebaIf for thaI <br /> insured; <br />b. PeImits issaed by state or poIiIica1l11bdivlsion for opczuions by)'llU; or <br />c- hemises you OWD, rent, Of OIX:Upy fOf use, <br />PRIMARYINON-<:ONTRIBtrrORY-1'bis ~ is nrimorv and is not .Mm"",,1 to or COlltriburin.. with any <br />other insurance cazrler by or foc the beQclir of MditioAaIIDsIueds. . <br /> , <br />This provision does IlOl apply \III1ess lhe written CODIIact or ap;cmcilt ha$ been ~ or the pennit baa been <br />issued, prior to the "bodily Injury," "pJ:~ cbmase," "persooaIlqjnry" or "advenIsiog lnjUl}'," <br />'Ibis provision docs _ apply ro any pmou or org3Jli:QrioIl id<:IuAbI as an iIlsunod Imder Additionallnsured _ <br />Vendors, <br /> <br />2. <br />SR.I' ARA nON OF INSURlmS-Exccpt wiIh JC$peCt to !be Limits of ms...~ and any righ13 or duties <br />specifically assigned to die fIrSt N8Dled lDsuted, 1bis Insnranee appliea: <br />.. As if each Named lnsurcd were the oaly Named IDs=d; aDd <br />b. till to each iJlSUred 1Yhom c;JaiIq Is Dladc or IUit is <br /> <br /> <br />or coaditioo oflhe Poliey other 1han !be Ibove staled <br />INSURANCE COMPAm' <br /> <br />~ MEETS OREXCEllDSCG2010 <br /> <br />~lllal;ttNkl' Jngr((4 ~ <br /> <br />I <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM <br /> <br />l!!i~ <br />aura Sheedy <br />: -'r"ty City Attorney <br />