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<br />.... '* <br /> <br />FROM : Sent b~ <br /> <br />Robert L wa"", <br /> <br />718 PHONE m. : 714 543 1808 <br /> <br />""" <br /> <br />Apr. 30 2001 09:25AM P03 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />E:XHIBIT 8 <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT <br />FOR COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY <br /> <br />InsuranceCompany Travelers Prop~!:ty Casualty <br /> <br />This endorsement modifies such insurance as is afforded by the provisions of Policy <br /># 66057 5x4 ?}~,.._ rclating to the following: <br /> <br />I. The City of Santa Ana, 20 Civic Center Pla7..a, Santa Ana, Califomia 92701; its <br />officers, employees, agents, volunteers and representatives are named as additional insureds <br />("additional insureds") with regard to liability and defense of suits arising [TOm the operations <br />and uses performed by or on behalf of the flamed insured. <br /> <br />2. With respect to claims arising out of the operations and uses perfom1ed by or on <br />behalf of the named insured, such insuranc'~ as is aff(lrded by this policy is primary and is not <br />additional to or contributing with any other insurance carried by or for the benefit of the <br />additional insureds. <br /> <br />3. This insurance applies separately to each insured against whom c1uim is Illude or <br />suit is brought except with respect to the ce,mpany's limits of liability. The inclusion of any <br />person or organi7utjon as an insured shall LOt affect any right which such person 01' organil'..ation <br />would have as a claimant if not so includee. <br /> <br />4. With respect to the additionll insureds, this insurance shall not be c~ncelled, or <br />materially reduced in coverage or limits except aileI' thirty (30) days written notice has been <br />given to the City ofSuntn Ana, 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ann, CuJifbrnia 92701. <br /> <br />(Completion of lhe following, including countersignature, is required to make this endorsement <br />effective.) <br /> <br />Effcctive <br />Policy # <br />I ssued to <br /> <br />April 30, 2001 _._,_' this endorsement form as a part of <br />660575X4714 <br />Santa Ana Winds Youth Band <br />Named Insured <br /> <br />Countcrsigl1l:d by <br /> <br />'.C /- / _/'_ <br />I ,-, C:;...:~.Az'~ '-.';:.' <br />-i... . '''':f'''f'_~-' <br />//~ <br />Authorized Representative <br /> <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM <br /> <br />~b(a ~-edc, <br />ura Sheedy / <br />Depury City Altorney <br /> <br />9 <br />