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<br />, <br /> <br />'03/27/2002 02:38 1&2&4059055 ARMSTRONG ROBITAILLE <br />, J\.t4-2'S-2e01 12: 38 F~ C I Tv OF SANTA ~+CO'1.IlEV TO ..", 9162640S9l!5S <br /> <br />PAGE 03/03 <br />P.02 <br /> <br />I:XlIlBlT B <br /> <br />ADDmONAL n..StiRED ENDORSEMENT <br />'FOR COM!l.1ERCIAL GENERAL LIABfi.ITY POLICY <br /> <br />Insurance Company Tr ave 1 er s Property Casual ty <br /> <br />This endorsement modifies such in5W"ance as is afforded by the provisions of Policy <br />If, fifi0575X471401 relating to the fu:Jowing: <br /> <br />1. The City orSanta Ana. 20 Civic CenterPlaz.a, Santa Ana, California 92701; its <br />officers, employees, agents, volunteers and representatives arc named as additional insureds <br />("additional insureds") with regard to liabilLty and defense of suits arising from the operations <br />and uses performed by or on behalf of the r,amed insul'Cd. <br /> <br />2. With respect to claims arisir g out ofthe operations and uses pedormed by or on <br />bebalf oftbe named insured, such insuraoo: as is afforded by this policy is primvy and is not <br />additional to or contributing with any ather insurance carried by or for the benefit oftbe <br />additional insureds. <br /> <br />3. This in!lUl'ance applies separately to each insuted aaainst whom claim is tD8de or <br />suit is brought except with respect to the ccmpany's limits of liability. The inclusion of any <br />pcrson or organization as an insured sball nnt afrect any right which such person or organization <br />would have as a. claimant ifnot so included. <br /> <br />4. With respect to the additiolllll insureds, this insurance shall nOI be cancelled, Of <br />malerially reduced in coverage or limits elt.:ept after tbirty (30) days wrttten notice ha.s been <br />given to the Cily of Santa Ana, 20 Civic C~ nler Plaza, Santa Ana, California 92701. <br /> <br />(Completion oflhe following, including CO;~ntersignature. is required to make this endorsement <br />effective.) <br /> <br />Effective 11/29/01 <br />policy# 660~75X471401 <br />Issued to Santa Ana Winds <br /> <br />. this endorsement fOrm as a pan of <br /> <br />Youth Band <br />"lamed lnsured <br /> <br />COUDtersigned by <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />FORM <br /> <br />CRI LEE HAW <br />Deputy City Attorney <br /> <br />9 <br /> <br />TOTI'L P. 02 <br />