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<br />02/07/2003 08:57 <br />'" .,,-", '.,. <br /> <br />7142470018 <br /> <br />SCANTRON CffiPORATION <br /> <br />PAGE 03/03 <br /> <br />PAGE eJ <br />fJOlA W".t!/ :',:l <br /> <br />02/06/2003 17:33 40476e5688 <br />V&la*'&OO~ .Q:O~ f1~~4'Og~O <br /> <br />MARSl-I USA <br />~11H.'l.J'l~IU..IN <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />E.XH1Brr B <br />,o\DDfIlONAL "-"ITl1nm ENDORSEMENT <br />[OR COMMERCIAL Ot:NBRAL UABILJ1'Y POLICY <br /> <br />msurance Company PlllllHI.~L lllaaRAlI1!!e eeMI'klH -- <br /> <br />nua enclor.ic:mellt modifies IIICh iJIIInnee as is lIfI'ordDd by fie provi~iODS of Policy <br />/I .",A, .?A Idatingto1llafollowillll: <br /> <br />1. The City ofSauta Au, ZO Civic CadIlr PJua, Sanla Ana. CBliftJmla 92701; its <br />offiCIIS, empIoy-. agents, vo~ IIld ~ves arc nBJned as additional ir.s~ <br />("idditi=a1 inmecIs") with resard to Iiabilir.y IIId defense of suits arising from the opt(mQll$ <br />and uses perlbrmcd by or on bdIaIf oIthe namecI ~ <br /> <br />2. With respect to claima Il'iaina out of the opanltiollS ancl uses l~rroed by or 011 <br />bebaltofthe uamed insuxed, suc:h illJQftDC8 III is aftiJn\8d by (bla poUey is pimarY and ill nut <br />additional to or contn'btIIDg -M1b. any oIiIIIr insur.InCC *1iccl by or filr the Mnent of the <br />additiwal illSUffldl. <br /> <br />~. This ioS1ll'U!le applies separately to eIIllh lnswed. apiMt whc,m c1l1i1n is made or <br />:Nit is bIoqII:t sxeept wilh I'll$p8Gl to die ..01. .pm}"s limlts of !lability. TM inclusiOl1 of any <br />per.on 01{ OI'Imir.atlClllaa an insuled wn not ~ ~ rigllt which $'lld\ petIOlI or Otg<l,,;nd:iOTl <br />'I\'llU1d bPI IIl.cIaimaIll ifllOllO included. <br /> <br />4. With respect to the additional insurecls. Ibis iDsumlce shall not be Q1Dccltocl, or <br />materially Rduced UI CllM:nIe OJ' limits exa:ept after thh1y (30) days writl:ell "ot:Iee Ms beell <br />slval to the C1cIC of the Couoc:iI, City of SIDta Ana, 20 Civic Center p~ Santa Aila. <br />Califomla 9270 1. <br /> <br />(Completion of tbc following, incl.v<filig COIlDtela~ is reqtrired to IDIII.~ this endoJ:Sem,ellt <br />cfti:ctive.) <br /> <br />Effilctive Ol-{) 1 -O~ to 01-01-nil <br />....,,""~ <br />,n.JU_J J5iA1 i~.11 <br />Issued m ~&bJ"'Dnw l"nll'DnDATION <br /> <br />. tbls md~t fotm. as a pat of <br /> <br />Named m~d <br /> <br />COUDtcqlgned by <br /> <br />~J J<.-~ <br /> <br />~ <br />Au1horizled. R.epr........tet.lve <br /> <br />APPRO\E:) A.S TO FORM <br /> <br />-/ .~,.33~ <br />~~ <br /> <br />s <br /> <br />pepUlY ,.) <br /> <br />, <br />