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<br />Jul.11. 1001 3:45PM <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />No 5 i 80 <br /> <br />P <br /> <br />O:,~:,:-":::}:,, ~:" ,:}"\~r(:<):; <br />SHEl'PNRDCONSTSl1C'J')9N:rrtu:G, <,.:n :'ROP. SAL <br />;::., '.:': ~ ;'::', : "_""';::: .,_::>',';',::'," ;',:,,:::,:,,:,:- ;'.c': ,',":j .::),:.;.:0 _',",' ~:: "'::::,\: ,~~L,::: !:i, i/:':: :>:,,:\:::/,:,:'::.:i :i~~;,),::+/:n ,:~':, :,\ ':::.;,:;'.::,',t:::;. .-i;'::::,;:::~L' ,::~::::>:,/::;,.'::,:':::::', .":::):', co::' :~ ,'::, :: :::::..,;: :.:.,;:.,.,.' <br /> <br />268\ Dow Avenue, Suite B <br />Tustin, Ca. 92780 <br /> <br />prolio~18ulltnltllld 'to: .' <br /> <br />.C.;.;:.,;.,:.".,..". <br /> <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />CAROLYN FULLERTON <br /> <br />(714) 259.1470 <br />Fax 259.9310 <br /> <br />JQIi ~.,,\U1I",,: ::'. " <br /> <br />0' . ."."",~ <br /> <br />THE DEPOT AT SANTA ANA <br />1000 EAST SANTA ANA BLVD <br />SANTA ANA, CA 92701 <br /> <br /> <br />'0..,. ".S.itlml_ <br /> <br />:: : ):.lj:1IjI.. ~liIIlblt:, ,:: . <br /> <br />NET 10 DAYS <br /> <br />07117/2002 <br /> <br />Kevin Penney <br /> <br />631416 <br /> <br />IT.. J ': <br /> <br />:{,\,:\,:';:, <br /> <br />m......:Q.":!E::! ..,.... <br />SCOPE OF WORK: <br /> <br />~::;ii;;';~~ <br /> <br />~~'.;:'jf'; ;'::"~ ' ;';:: <br />'.,:..w...r.,.,."'" <br /> <br />, TOT""" <br />l>:';'..:,.. ........:: <br /> <br />1,) DEMO APPROX 2255, f, OF CONCEALED SPLINE SUSPENDED CEILING <br /> <br />2) INSTALL 2255.1 OF DRYWALL CEILING WITH 20 GAUGE STEEL STUD <br />FRAMING, <br /> <br />3.) REPAIR 2 EXISTING HORIZONTAL CRACKS IN THE EXISTING HALL <br />WALLS LEADING TO THE RESTROOMS <br /> <br />QUALIFICATIONS; <br />1,) All work Is to be pelformed during normal business hours <br />2,) Plans, permits, and engineering II neelled can be provided at an additional <br />cost. <br />3,) Pedestrian control will take place in the form of construction cones and <br />caution tape. Addrtional measures if needed will be provided at an <br />addrtlonal cost, <br />4.) New drywall ceiling Is to be Installed at the same elevation as the demoed <br />concealed spline ceiling. <br />5,) All painting, electrical, sprinklers, and HVAC both new and demo is to be <br />done by others. <br />e,) Fire rated drywall ceiling If needed will be provided at an additional cost, <br />7,) Option price for Installing three 2 x 2 light fixtures at the phone area <br />Pleasa add an additional $380,00 to the bottom line of this proposal. <br />(2 x 2 Lights supplied from demo) <br /> <br />AI ma1e1'l8l Ia gu.,.n1..a to 1M n .,ecllktd. All work 10 b. <br />oomplt1ed 1/'1 a .ubelllnlial workmlftlb manner IICcotding to <br />lHClfJet,tion. eubmitled, ~ &l"nalrd l3factiC... Any al1al1llicm or <br />devl.tlon from lIIKl'lc .po<;ifi",lon. Il'IvcMvlng .ld~ oat. will b. <br />eqcull1d upon wtllltn 0Jde11l and will become In lilli'll onlroe ove, <br />Ind IIboVlt the ..UmaMi. All agr&em8n1:. oonllngtnt upon <br />unlOf8Wen job''''' c;ondlllaM or d....,. beyotld our oomroI. <br />NOM: Thll propoeel may be wUt'ldf'lWl'l bV UI If 1101 accepI;8d withm <br />30 dav.. CoIlIrlOl'otI are rlQul..- to be licltfllad Ind re;UJ.lOd by <br />ih, C5LB. Qunllone Ithould be f1Ifer* to them .17t....dOH <br />Should I lIi.putt .,._ In ltle perfDfma~ of thll CDntrlCl the <br />ConlraolDr Ihlll I>t enlltled 10 ile III0000nrfI '"' .nd court c~ll. <br /> <br />Plymenl~ not made within the term. nated hereIn Me eub)eclIO <br />Interell at 1.5% ,., month on tht unpeld bektnatt. <br /> <br />1;:.'...11........... ..'1.....'-'. .....'........".....'.'....'.',..::.'..... $3955,00 <br />h:~ .~'.)...w.n:.: ;,.~ <br /> <br />Acceptance ~ .-ropout . The IboI4 prien, apeaiflMtlonl and <br />oondlltOM are utllfectory .nd .... 1\I,.by acc:tt:lUtd You life <br />.1lIl'\Crlzed 10 do Ihe v<<lrk e. IplfClrJ8d. Plyment w1P be mlddi e. <br />&ulUl'ld altove. <br /> <br />SiDNIur. <br /> <br />Da18 or Aootptlnoo <br /> <br />EXHIBiT A <br />