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Attachment A <br />FY05 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM <br />H. Public Awareness and Citizen Participation <br />Citizens are a critical component of homeland security, and to have a fully prepared <br />community, citizens must be fully aware, trained, and practiced on how to detect, deter, <br />prepare for, and respond to emergency situations. Recent surveys indicate that citizens <br />are concerned about the threats facing the nation and are willing to participate to make <br />their communities safer, yet most Americans have low awareness of federal, state, and <br />local emergency preparedness plans, are not involved in local emergency drills, and are <br />not adequately prepared at home. <br />Informed and engaged citizens are an essential component of homeland security and <br />the mission of Citizen Corps is to have everyone in America participate in making their <br />community safer, stronger, and better prepared. To achieve this, state, county, local, <br />and tribal Citizen Corps Councils have formed nationwide to help educate and train the <br />public, and to develop citizen /volunteer resources to support local emergency a <br />responders, community safety, and disaster relief. <br />In support of this mission, all SHSP and UASI award recipients must work with their <br />state and local Citizen Corps Councils to more fully engage citizens through the <br />following: <br />• Expand plans and task force memberships to address citizen participation. <br />Develop or revise state and local plans, such as ECIPs, to integrate <br />citizen /volunteer resources and participation, and include advocates for <br />increased citizen participation in task forces and advisory councils. <br />• Awareness and outreach to inform and engage the public. Educate the <br />public on personal preparedness measures, alert and warning systems, and <br />state and local emergency plans via a range of community venues and <br />communication channels. <br />• Include citizens in training and exercises. Provide emergency preparedness <br />and response training for citizens, improve training for emergency responders to <br />better address special needs populations, and involve citizens in all aspects of <br />emergency preparedness exercises, including planning, implementation, and <br />after action review. <br />• Develop or expand programs that integrate citizen /volunteer support for <br />the emergency responder disciplines. Develop or expand the Citizens Corps <br />Programs (Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS), Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), <br />Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), Neighborhood Watch, and <br />Fire Corps), activities of the Citizen Corps affiliates, and ad hoc opportunities for <br />citizens to support emergency responders year -round and during a disaster. <br />DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY I OFFICE FOR DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS <br />55 <br />N <br />} <br />a <br />'z <br />t <br />
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