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Attachment A <br />FY05 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM <br />• Develop or enhance border security plans <br />• Develop or enhance cyber security plans <br />• Develop or enhance cyber risk mitigation plans <br />• Develop or enhance agriculture /food security risk mitigation, response, and <br />recovery plans <br />• Develop public /private sector partnership emergency response, assessment, and <br />resource sharing plans <br />• Develop or update local or regional communications plans <br />• Development of plans to support and assist special needs jurisdictions, such as <br />port authorities and rail and mass transit agencies <br />• Development or enhancement of continuity of operations and continuity of <br />government plans <br />• Development or enhancement of existing catastrophic incident response and <br />recovery plans to include and integrate federal assets provided under the NRP. <br />Develop or conduct assessments, including but not limited to: <br />• Conduct point vulnerability assessments at critical infrastructure sites /key assets <br />and develop remediation /security plans <br />• Conduct cyber risk and vulnerability assessments <br />• Conducting assessments and exercises of existing catastrophic incident <br />response and recovery plans and capabilities to identify critical gaps that cannot <br />be met by existing local and state resources <br />• Activities which directly support the identification of specific catastrophic incident <br />priority response and recovery projected needs <br />• Activities which directly support the identification and advance preparation of pre - <br />designated temporary housing sites; for example: <br />• Conducting assessments and studies to identify qualified candidate sites <br />• Obtaining accurate site surveys and existing utility information <br />• Coordinating zoning requirements and necessary permits and /or waivers <br />• Coordinating environmental impact requirements related to a selected site <br />• Coordinating historic preservation requirements related to a selected site. <br />Equipment <br />SHSP funds may be used for equipment acquisition from the 21 equipment categories <br />listed in the FY05 ODP AEL. The FY05 AEL is available in its entirety online through <br />the RKB at http: / / and the equipment categories are outlined in <br />Appendix A: Authorized Program Expenditures. <br />Training <br />SHSP funds may be used to enhance the capabilities of state and local emergency <br />preparedness and response personnel through development of a state homeland <br />security training program. Allowable training - related costs include 1) the establishment <br />of CBRNE, CIP, agricultural /food security, cyber- security, and geospatial training <br />programs within existing training academies, universities, or junior colleges; and 2) <br />overtime and backfill costs associated with attendance at ODP- sponsored and <br />approved CBRNE and cyber security training courses. Grantees who wish to use grant <br />DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY I OFFICE FOR DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS <br />64 <br />
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