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MANAGEMENT PARTNERS, INC. (2006 Fire Strategic Plan and Teambuilding)
Contracts / Agreements
INACTIVE CONTRACTS (Originals Destroyed)
MANAGEMENT PARTNERS, INC. (2006 Fire Strategic Plan and Teambuilding)
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Last modified
8/23/2021 12:54:42 PM
Creation date
5/5/2006 2:08:06 PM
Company Name
Management Partners, Inc.
Contract #
Council Approval Date
Insurance Exp Date
Destruction Year
Amends A-2005-295
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MANAGEMENT PARTNERS, INC. (2005 Dispatch Analysis)
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determine if those resources are currently available, and identify other information <br />relevant to accomplishing goals. In this step, the management team will identify which of <br />the goals and projects are currently under way, which are aligned with other work that is <br />being done, what work may need to shift to make way for the new priorities, and other <br />aspects of aligning goals to the ongoing work of the Fire Department. <br />Activity 7: Facilitate Third Workshop <br />The third facilitated session will focus on the resources needed and the department <br />environment that must be in place for the goals and projects to be achieved. In this <br />session, we will discuss the values of the management team, identify the communication <br />practices desired, and discuss other norms and behaviors needed for team <br />effectiveness. The management team also will make final decisions about goals and <br />projects, and discuss how all of this will be communicated to the rest of the Fire <br />Department employees. <br />Activity 8: Prepare Document <br />Management Partners will produce a document that contains the framework for the Fire <br />Department's strategic plan. It will include the agreed -upon mission and vision <br />statements, the values of the management team, the priority goals and projects, the <br />SWOT analysis, and the results of the employee focus groups. <br />Activity 9: Prepare Implementation Plan <br />Management Partners will prepare a plan for implementing the Strategic Plan which will <br />establish performance measures for the goals, action steps and timelines, assignments, <br />how the plan will be integrated into other business processes (such as budget process, <br />other planning processes), and a communication plan. <br />Project Timeline <br />The process is anticipated to take nine months to complete. The following is a sample timeline <br />that provides perspective on the sequencing of activities. If the process can begin in early <br />April, the principal work can be completed by mid -November, which we understand is an <br />important date for Fire Department activities. <br />• April: Start project, review background materials, and conduct interviews <br />• May: Facilitate first workshop with management team <br />• June: Conduct focus groups with department employees <br />• July: Facilitate second workshop with management team <br />• August — September: Coordinate the management staff's preparation of resource <br />worksheets for each goal and project <br />• October: Facilitate third workshop with management team <br />• November — December: Prepare strategic plan and implementation plan <br />Project Team <br />Jan Perkins, a Partner with our firm, will manage this project. Rebekka Hosken, Senior <br />Management Advisor, will provide assistance. <br />Jan Perkins has 30 years of management experience in local government. She was City <br />Manager of both Fremont and Morgan Hill, California. She also served the cities of <br />Santa Ana, California, Grand Rapids and Adrian, Michigan, in executive management <br />positions. Jan provides expert assistance to government leaders in facilitation, <br />
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