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Leslie Heumann, Cultural Resources Manager <br />MA, Architecture, University of Ms. Leslie Heumann is a cultural resources manager with over 29 years <br />California, Los Angeles <br />of experience in all aspects of historic architectural evaluation, <br />(1976-1978; incomplete) <br />documentation, and preservation. She is a specialist in assessing historic <br />significance and preparing documentation to support the National <br />BA, History, University of <br />Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental <br />California, Los Angeles, 1975 <br />Quality Act (CEQA). Ms. Heumann also satisfies the Secretary of the <br />Interior's professional standards as an architectural historian. <br />Architectural Historian <br />• Preparation of historic <br />Ms. Heumann has undertaken the identification, evaluation, and <br />resource surveys <br />documentation of historic resources for an extensive body of properties, <br />• NRHP nominations <br />ranging from single buildings to entire cities. As an experienced cultural <br />• Historic resources <br />resources specialist, Ms. Neumann has worked for, and with, local <br />impact analyses for <br />municipalities, government agencies, state offices of historic preservation, <br />documentation in <br />property owners and developers, attorneys, and local interest groups. Ms. <br />support of NEPA and <br />Heumann has coordinated, performed, or contributed to intensive and <br />CEQA, and Section 106 <br />reconnaissance level historic resources surveys for the Cities of Los <br />of the National Historic <br />Angeles, Santa Monica, Glendale, Pasadena, Long Beach, Santa Ana, and <br />Preservation Act <br />Upland, among others. <br />• HABS documentation <br />• Monitoring of <br />A recent accomplishment of Ms. Neumann was assisting the Los Angeles <br />compliance with the <br />Unified School Districtand PalosVerdes Peninsula Unified School District <br />Secretary of the Interior's <br />with Historic Building Assessments and modernization project CEQA <br />Standards for the <br />compliance analyses. She also recently prepared the Historic Buildings <br />Treatment of Historic <br />Technical Report in supportof an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) atthe <br />Properties <br />Metropolitan Water District Weymouth Filtration Plant. <br />• Historic schools <br />modernization issues <br />Additional areas of expertise include Historic American Buildings Survey <br />(HABS) documentation, application of the Secretary of the Interior's <br />Years of Experience: 29 <br />Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, and historic schools <br />modernization issues. Ms. Heumann provided guidance regarding <br />Relevant Experience: <br />application of the Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines for Rehabilitation <br />• National Register, <br />for various projects, including the former Security Trust and Savings Bank <br />California Points of <br />in North Hollywood, the Glendale Depot in Glendale, and the <br />Historical Interest, Los <br />County/USC Hospital Old Administration Building (for Fields and <br />Angeles Historic -Cultural <br />Devereaux Architects). <br />Monument, and Santa <br />Ana Register of Historic <br />Ms. Neumann has expertise in Section 106 of the National Historic <br />Properties applications <br />Preservation Act and has authored several nominations to the National <br />for numerous properties <br />Register of Historic Places, most recentlyfor the Bungalow Heaven district <br />• Focused EIRs for Beverly <br />of Pasadena. Ms. Heumann prepared the historic assessments, pursuant <br />Vista School and 104 <br />to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, of a Vandenberg <br />South Lake Project <br />AFB facility and a historic ranch complex on the site of a proposed <br />• Historic Building <br />housing development in the Santa Clarita Valley. <br />Preservation Plans for <br />the General Services <br />Ms. Heumann had the opportunity to share her expertise in architectural <br />Administration (GSA) for <br />history and preservation through speaking at numerous conferences and <br />historic federal <br />gatherings, most recently at the"Effective Historic Preservation" workshop <br />properties in the western <br />sponsored by the City of Santa Ana in 2003. She served as moderator at <br />United States <br />the "Cultural Landscapes" session of the California Preservation <br />• Historic Resources <br />Conference in Pasadena. Ms. Heumann also served as coordinator of the <br />Technical Reports for the <br />Architectural History of Los Angeles Track at the California Preservation <br />Metropolitan Water <br />Conference in Los Angeles and taught a class in the History of Modern <br />District Weymouth <br />Architecture at Woodbury University. <br />Filtration Plant, Los <br />Angeles Air Force Base, <br />Ms. Heumann is a member of the National Trust for Historic Preservation <br />and numerous private <br />Forum and of the California Preservation Foundation. She is currently a <br />development projects <br />member and has served on the board of directors of the Los Angeles <br />Conservancy (1991 to 1997). <br />M:IPROPOSA020061P 1471001I KPSI L)H. wpd <br />EXHIBIT A <br />