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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />1 4.2 Complaint Response: <br />2 4.2.1 CONTRACTOR shall develop, operate, and maintain procedures <br />3 for recei vi ng. i nvesti gati ng, and respondi ng to servi ce provi der and <br />4 participant complaints, including Civil Rights complaints. CONTRACTOR shall <br />5 provide ADMINISTRATOR, in a form approved by ADMINISTRATOR, information <br />6 pertaining to such complaints within two (2) business days of the complaint. <br />7 4.3 Outside Contacts: <br />8 4.3.1 CONTRACTOR sha 11 i mmedi ate ly inform COUNTY's WTW Program <br />9 Manager, or a designee, of any inquiries from elected officials, their <br />10 representatives, participant advocates, or the press, and immediately provide <br />11 information permitting ADMINISTRATOR to respond. <br />12 4.3.2 CONTRACTOR shall consult with COUNTY's WTW Program <br />13 Manager, or a desi gnee, pri or to i ni ti ati ng contact with elected offi ci a Is, <br />14 their representatives, participants advocates of the press. <br />15 4.4 Utilizing Computer Information Systems (CIS): <br />16 4.4.1 COUNTY sha 11 provi de CONTRACTOR wi th access to the CIS. <br />17 CONTRACTOR shall use the CIS to retrieve referrals for services to be <br />18 provided. COUNTY shall provide a designated number of CONTRACTOR's personnel <br />19 with sufficient training necessary to access and inquire on current client <br />20 data, track cases, communicate with COUNTY, etc. CONTRACTOR, in turn, shall <br />21 provide this training to any subcontractors that will have on-line access to <br />22 CIS. <br />23 4.4.2 CONTRACTOR sha 11 ensure that its personnel understand the <br />24 uses of the CIS and follow ADMINISTRATORS related procedure. <br />25 5. FORMS <br />26 5.1 ADMINISTRATOR shall provide CONTRACTOR with a camera-ready copy of <br />27 a 11 mandated forms. CONTRACTOR sha 11 dup 1 i cate and di stri bute the forms to <br />28 subcontractors as needed. <br /> <br />(WBC0406J <br /> <br />4 of 9 <br /> <br />(April 19. 2006) <br />