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Attachment A <br />FY05 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM <br />I able 8. rTUO tMI'" Alipwame yosts <br />This includes salary, overtime, compensating time off and associated fringe <br />benefits. <br />Recipients must follow its own established travel policy. In lieu of that, <br />recipients must follow the state's travel policy. <br />This is defined as property having a useful life of more than one year and <br />an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. <br />This includes all items not defined as equipment such as printing, postage, <br />communications, data processing, etc. <br />This includes funds allocated for contractual agreements. <br />This includes the funds being passed through to cities and /or other political <br />on what is included in the indirect cost <br />The following sections highlight allowable activities under the EMPG program. See <br />Appendix A: Authorized Program Expenditures for additional specific programmatic <br />guidance regarding these activities. <br />Planning <br />EMPG funds may be used for a range of emergency management planning activities, <br />including the following: <br />• Activities and costs related to EMAP accreditation process (state and /or local) <br />• Planning for the implementation of NIMS <br />• Modifying existing incident management and emergency operations plans to <br />ensure proper alignment with the NRP coordinating structures, processes, and <br />protocols <br />• Developing /enhancing comprehensive emergency management plans <br />• Developing /enhancing all- hazards mitigation plans <br />• Developing /enhancing catastrophic incident plans <br />• Developing /enhancing logistics and resource management plans <br />• Developing /enhancing evacuation plans, including sheltering efforts <br />• Developing /enhancing mass casualty and mass fatality plans <br />• Developing /enhancing financial and administrative procedures for use before, <br />during, and after disaster events in support of a comprehensive emergency <br />management program <br />• Public education and awareness <br />• Developing /enhancing a crisis communications plan <br />• Updating the SHSS to address all- hazards <br />• Developing /enhancing other response and recovery plans <br />• Developing /enhancing emergency management plans to integrate citizen / <br />volunteer resources and participation <br />• Conducting a hazard analysis and risk assessment <br />• Other EMPG related planning activities. <br />DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY I OFFICE FOR DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS <br />88 <br />