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Attachment A <br />The identification of local units of government, <br />regional /area boundaries, a description of <br />response planning is coordinated among tl <br />mutual aid agreements in effect. <br />appropriate State departmental <br />how mass casualty incident <br />em, and a listing of relevant <br />The incident command /unified command /area <br />for the MMRS operational area, to include a c <br />Standard Operating Procedure, organization <br />designated, qualified incident commanders. <br />Description of the operational response resource management process and <br />supporting automated system(s), with emphasis on: identifying and typing <br />resources; certifying and credentialing personnel; inventorying resources; <br />identifying resource requirements; ordering and acquiring resources; and <br />tracking and reporting resources. <br />NIMS implementation training; to do <br />NIMS capability with MMRS funding. <br />Interoperability of command and control and operations communications to <br />include standards /requirements, network diagrams, communications <br />management plan, and first tier frequency, circuit, and device allocations as <br />stated within DHS's S &T Directorate <br />( http:/ /www.dhs..Qov /dhspublic /interapp /editorial /editorial 0095 xml) and their <br />Statement of Requirements (SoR) ( for <br />Interoperability. <br />Quarantine and isolation preparedness for a very large number of pers <br />sizeable geographic area(s). Ensure the adequacy of preparedness <br />functional capability area, to include: <br />Identification of local officials (by office title) with appropriate legal authority to <br />establish quarantine /isolation areas, or to rapidly obtain such action from <br />State officials (identified by position title) with necessary legal authority. <br />Resource allocate <br />quarantine /isolation <br />Work with MMRS Steering Committee members from local health department <br />and hospital system to publicize local public health and hospital capabilities to <br />do surveillance on, and identify, infectious agents endemic to the jurisdiction's <br />metropolitan area, such as the animal -form of anthrax, and new infectious <br />diseases, such as SARS. <br />