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no longer be applicable to long distance calls billed on time only, <br />and certain other "bundled" services. <br />E. The City of Santa Ana does not want to apply the new IRS <br />interpretation to the UUT, but rather continue to apply its UUT to all <br />telephone services as it has historically and consistent with the IRS <br />Ruling 79-404. <br />F. The amendments continue to recognize and retain the prior FET <br />exemptions that existed prior to May 25, 2006. <br />G. Santa Ana has always taxed all types of telephone communication <br />services and has amended its ordinances in the past only to keep <br />up with the advances in technology in order to continue to capture <br />UUT for the range of telephone services already taxed. <br />H. The proposed amendments restate the telephone communication <br />services that are subject to the UUT. Only those telephone <br />communications services that were taxed before Revenue Notice <br />2006-50 will continue to be taxed. <br />The amendments do not increase or create a new tax on telephone <br />communication services. <br />J. The amendments neither extend the effective period of the UUT, <br />nor modify any sunset provision or expiration date of the UUT. <br />Section 2. Section 35-153 (n) of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby <br />amended such that it reads as follows (new language in bold, deleted language in strikeout <br />for tracking purposes only): <br />"(n) Telephone Csommunication Sservices shall mean any telephonic quality <br />communication that is interconnected to the public switched network [as defined <br />in 47 U.S.C.A. Section 332(d), as amended from time to time, and the <br />regulations of the Federal Communications Commission], and shall include, <br />without limitation, the transmission of messages or information (including but not <br />limited to voice, telegraph, teletypewriter, data, facsimile, video, or text) or any <br />other transmission of messages or information by electronic, radio or similar <br />means throe h ";,~t~,oo,„,~«a ~~,.~.,.-,..;h th.-n4lhllc ..~nrltchPrl nrzfinlnrS ~ a <br />whether such transmission occurs <br />by wire, cable, fiber-optic, light wave, laser, microwave, radio wave [including, but <br />not limited to, cellular service, personal communications service (PCS), <br />specialized mobile radio (SMR), and other types of mobile telecommunications <br />regardless of radio spectrum used], switching facilities, satellite or any other <br />Ordinance No. NS-XXX <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />50B-4 <br />