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Amendment Application No. 2006-O1 <br />August 14, 2006 <br />Page 4 <br />of the parcel from the C-SM designation would set a precedent for other <br />similar uses along the South Main Street corridor. Currently, there are <br />approximately 20 automotive related uses operating on South Main Street. <br />Approval of this application could result in several requests to rezone <br />properties to allow the expansion of similar uses, further impeding the <br />transformation of the South Main Street corridor. If the C-SM zone itself <br />is changed to allow auto uses, it would represent a significant change in <br />policy for the South Main area, would remove all the existing auto uses <br />from a nonconforming status, and would pave the way for additional auto <br />service uses to be established. Finally, the proposed zone change does <br />not implement the larger policy goal the City is trying to achieve, which <br />is to promote neighborhood serving commercial uses along this corridor. <br />On March 27, 2006, a study session was held with the Planning Commission <br />regarding nonconforming uses in the C-SM zoning district. After extensive <br />discussions regarding this issue and various land use options for the <br />corridor, the Commission noted the importance of maintaining the existing <br />zoning for the corridor and the need to encourage more uses that serve the <br />adjacent neighborhoods. As the proposed project is not consistent with <br />the intent of the Commercial South Main Street zoning designation, staff <br />recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council <br />deny Amendment Application No. 2006-O1. <br />CEQA Compliance <br />In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the <br />recommended action is not considered a CEQA project. Therefore, no <br />environmental documentation is required. <br />~~ <br />Vince Fregos , AICP <br />Senior Plann r <br />VF: jm <br />of/reports/aa06-Ol.pc <br />75A-7 <br />