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amount of $ I A00,000 per occurrence. Consultant shall suppty City with a filly executed <br />additional insured cndorsemcnt in substantially the form attached Itcrcto as Exhibit Q upon <br />execution of this Agreement and shall be approval in form by the City Attorney. <br />h. Worker's Compensation Insurance. Ln accordance with the provisions of Section <br />3300 of the Labor Code, Consultant, if Consultant has any employees, is required to he insured <br />against liability for worker's compensation or to undertake self-insurance. Prior to commencing <br />the pcrformuncc of dtc work under this Agreement, Consdtant agrees m ob[ain and maintain eny <br />employer's liability insurance with limits not Icss than $1,0011,000 per accident. <br />c. Professional liability (errors and omissions) insurance, with a combined single limit of <br />not Icss than $1,000,000 per claim. <br />d. The following requirements apply to the insurance to be provided by Consultant <br />pursuant to this section: <br />(i) Conadtant shall maintain all insurance rcquircd above in full force and <br />effect for dte entire period covered by this Agreement. <br />(ii) Certificates of insurance shall be furnished to the City upon execution uC <br />this Agreement and shall he approved in form by the City Attorncy_ <br />(iii) Cerlil icates and policies shall stale that the policies shall not be cancoled <br />or reduced in coverage or changed in any other material aspect without <br />dtirry (30) days prior written notice to the City. <br />c. If Consultant fails or refuses to produce or maintain the insurance rcquircd by this <br />senaion or fails or rctLiscs to famish the City with rcquircd proof that insurance has been procured <br />and is in force and paid for, the City shall have nc~ right, at the City's clcetion, to forthwith <br />tcrminalt; this AbTCCrncnl. Such lcnnination shall nut cl7bct Consultant's right to be paid for its <br />time and materials expended prior to notification of termination. Consultant waives the right to <br />receive compensation and agrees w indemnify the City for any work pcrfomrcd prior to approval <br />of insurance by the Ciry. <br />7. IN'DEMNIEICATION <br />Consultant agrees to and ahxll indemnify end hold harmless the City, its uClicers, agems, <br />employees, consultants, special counsel, and representatives 8~om liability for personal injury, <br />datnages, just compensation, restihnion, judicial or equitable relief arising out of claims for <br />personal injury, including health, and claims for property damago, which may arise from the <br />director indirect operations of the Consultant or its contractors, subcontractors, agents, <br />employees, or other persons' acting on their behalf which relates to the services described in <br />scc[ion I of this Agreement. The Consultant further ngrccs to indemnify, hold hannlcas, and pay <br />all costs for the defenac of the City, including fees and costs for special counsel to be selected by <br />the City, regarding any action by a third party challenging the validity of this Agreement, nr <br />asserting that personal injury, d:unagcs,just compensation, restitution, judicial or eyuitablc relief <br />due to personal or propcrry rights arises by reason of the terms of, or effects arising from this <br />