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AA No. 06-04, SPR No. 06-07 and CUP No. 06-14 <br />October 16, 2006 <br />Page 2 <br />2. The exterior east wall shall be reviewed in detail for potential <br />aesthetic improvements, and/or the potential for temporary signage <br />in compliance with Article XI of Chapter 41 of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code. Additionally, plant material should be included on <br />the roof deck that may spill over the wall to soften the hard <br />edges of the top floors of the building. <br />3. With regards to Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's), <br />the Planning Commission added the following provisions: <br />a. The CC&R's shall provide notice that a unique on-site parking <br />solution (a hydraulic parking lift) has been utilized for the <br />project, and that owners shall indemnify, defend and hold <br />harmless, the City of Santa Ana for any claims arising from <br />the operation of the parking lifts in a form approved by the <br />City Attorney. <br />b. A covenant shall be recorded for each lot that shall <br />indemnify and hold harmless the City in a form approved by <br />the City Attorney. <br />4. Site Plan Review approvals shall expire at the same time as the <br />Conditional Use Permit which expires after a period of two (2) <br />years from the date of final approval. If the Final Subdivision <br />Map has been vested, then the site plan review and conditional use <br />permit will remain valid as long as the subdivision map remains <br />valid. <br />Additionally, the Community Development Agency will present for future <br />Redevelopment Agency action a related matter concerning the disposition <br />and development agreement (DDA) for this property. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />There is no fiscal impact associated with this action. <br />Ja M. Trevino <br />ecutive Director <br />Planning & Building Agency <br />HS:rb <br />hs\West End Lofts\AA06-04 SPR06-07 <br />75A-2 <br />