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<br />CITY OF SANA ANA <br />Community Development Block Grant <br /> <br />Outcome Tracking <br /> <br />IMPORTANT: The City of Santa Ana is in the process of incorporating the new HUD Performance <br />Outcome Tracking guidelines, therefore this section is subject to change in order to be compliant with <br />HUD regulations. If the situation should occur that the current tracking system is not sufficient to meet <br />HUD regulations an amendment to this contract will be needed. <br /> <br />Instructions: From the list of activities below select the activity that best describes the purpose of the program that will be funded <br />in fiscal year 06-07 by these grant funds. Two activities have multiple outcomes, therefore if "Senior Services" or "Y Guth Services" is <br />selected, please select the one outcome that best describes the purpose of the funded program. ONLY if none of the activities listed <br />adequately describe the funded program, please select that last activity "Low- and Moderate Income Services". <br /> <br /> Fulfillment <br /> Tracking Hun Objective to be fulfilled HUD Outcome to be fulfilled illustrated by <br /> HUn Indicator <br /> Suitable Creating Specific Outcome <br /> Decent Availability/ Sustainabili~ Indicator # <br />Activity/Program Outcome Tracking Goal Living Housing Economic Accessibility Affordability (Please see page 4 <br /> Environment Opportunitie of4 fordesc.) <br />IAnti-CrimeServices Track lhereducliunin Reduce response time to <br /> esponse time and the serious crimes in the City's <br /> numhero[criminal low. and Moderate-Income <br />D apprehendedasaresull. area by at least 3 minutes <br /> resulting in the apprehension 2 <br /> ofl,SOO criminals that may X X <br /> therwiseescape. <br /> ...S-yeargoaltobe <br /> achieved by FY 09/10 <br />Fair Housing Services Providefairhuusingservice 1. Provide fair housing <br /> and ongoing analysis of counseling, education and <br /> impediments to fair housing. enforcemenlservicesto <br />D 7,000 Santa Ana households. X X 2 <br /> ."S-yeargoal 10 be <br /> achieved by FY 09/10 <br /> 2. Annually assess actions 10 <br /> eliminate impediments to fai X X 2 <br /> housing. <br />HomelessnessPrevenlion Track assisled individuals SO%ofassistedindividuals <br /> who relained their housing or and households will relain <br /> ulilities for at leasl 6 monlhs their housing or utiIilies for 14 <br />D after assistance was at least 6 monlhs aJler X X <br />rovided. assislance is provided. <br />Emergency Sheller Track individuals who SO%of <br /> received support services individuals/householdstltal 12 or <br /> thal were linJr.ed to one or are provided wilh emergency <br />D more additional support sheUerwill transition 10 X X <br />serviceandiorappropriale inlerim housing (i.e., 13 <br /> h"llsing. transiti"nalhuusing). <br />fram;itionalHousing rackh"melessindividuals S%"fh"melessindividuals <br /> who participated in participating in transitional 2 <br /> transitionalhousingpro~,'Tam housing program will be X X <br />D that were placed in placed in permanenl housing. <br />pennanenlhousing. <br />'upportiveServices Track individuals who SO%ofindividualslfamilies <br /> received support services receiving support services <br /> lhat were linked to one or will be linked 10 one or more 2 <br />D more additional support additional support service X X <br />Ise,,'iceand/orappropriate and/or appropriate housing. <br /> lousing. <br /> <br />Exhibit A-I <br />Page 1 of 4 <br />