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<br />(3) This Agreement will permit achievement of goals and objectives as <br />reflected in the City's General Plan, all applicable Specific Plans and the Metro East Mixed-Use <br />Overlay Zone <br /> <br />(4) Owner is required by eXIstmg City regulations to provide <br />mItigation for certain identified impacts and pay certain regulatory fees as conditions of <br />approvals through the regulatory process. <br /> <br />(5) This Agreement will allow City to realize extraordinary and <br />significant public infrastructure facilities and other supplemental benefits in addition to those <br />available through the existing regulatory process. <br /> <br />(6) Many of the extraordinary and significant benefits identified as <br />consideration to City for entering into this Agreement are of regional significance, relate to <br />existing deficiencies in public facilities, require Owner to contribute a greater percentage of <br />benefits than would otherwise be required, and represent benefits which would not otherwise be <br />required as part of the development process. <br /> <br />1.3 Owner. Owner represents and warrants that it has a legal or equitable <br />interest in the real property located in City of Santa Ana, California, legally described on Exhibit <br />A attached hereto and incorporated herein, and graphically described on Exhibit B attached <br />hereto and incorporated herein (defined in section 2.5 as the "Property"). The Property is <br />currently occupied by a two-story, 75,300 square foot building that was formerly home to the <br />Sequoia Athletic Club and the Australian Swim School, that will be demolished to accommodate <br />the proposed project. In addition, the four-story, 669 space parking structure that currently exists <br />on the east side of the property will remain as part of the Project (as that word is defined in <br />section 2.7 of this Agreement). <br /> <br />1.4 Interest of Owner. Owner hereby represents that it has an equitable and <br />legal interest in the Property. Owner further hereby represents that it has approved this <br />Agreement and is authorized to enter into this Agreement. <br /> <br />1.5 Planning Commission - Council Hearings. On February 26 and <br />March 12, 2007, the Planning Commission of the City ("Planning Commission"), after giving <br />notice pursuant to Government Code Sections 65090 and 65091, held a public hearing to <br />consider the Owner's application for this Agreement. The Planning Commission recommended <br />to the City Council of City that it execute this Agreement. On March 19, 2007, the City Council <br />of the City of Santa Ana ("Council"), after providing notice as required by law, held a public <br />hearing to consider the Owner's application for this Agreement. <br /> <br />1.6 Council Findings. The Council finds that this Agreement is consistent <br />with the General Plan, applicable Specific Planes) as well as all other applicable ordinances, <br />plans, policies and regulations of the City. <br /> <br />1.7 City Ordinance. On April 2, 2007, the Council adopted Ordinance <br />No. NS-2741 approving this Agreement. The ordinance becomes effective thirty (30) days <br />thereafter. <br /> <br />11A-1~1 <br />