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<br />(6) Terms and Content: <br /> <br />1. CC&R's are to be in effect for an initial period of ninety- <br />nine years and then automatically expanded for successive one hundred year <br />periods unless terminated by the joint consent of the City and not less than <br />seventy five percent of those entitled to vote. <br /> <br />ii. Any proposed modifications to the CC&R's will require <br />approval by the Agency's Executive Director. <br /> <br />111. CC&R's shall provide a significant financial penalty (i.e., <br />the maximum permitted by law) that shall be imposed by the Home Owner's <br />Association to any member who violates these provisions <br /> <br />5.8 Reserved. <br /> <br />5.9 Reserved. <br /> <br />5.10 Conditions of Discretionary Approvals. The requirements imposed as <br />conditions of any discretionary approval received through the City's existing regulatory process <br />shall be governed by the terms of those approvals, and in no event shall such conditions be <br />affected by the termination, cancellation, rescission, revocation, or default or expiration of this <br />Agreement (although such conditions must comply with the Applicable Rules). <br /> <br />5.11 Compliance With Governmental Requirements. Owner shall carry out <br />the design, construction, and operation of the Project in substantial conformity with all <br />applicable laws, ordinances, statutes, codes, rules, regulations, orders, and decrees of the United <br />States, the State of California, the County of Orange, the City, or any other political subdivision <br />in which the Property is located, and of any other political subdivision, agency, or <br />instrumentality exercising jurisdiction over the City, the Owner or the Property, including all <br />applicable federal, state, and local occupation, safety and health laws, rules, regulations and <br />standards, applicable state and labor standards, applicable prevailing wage requirements, the City <br />zoning and development standards, City permits and approvals, building, plumbing, mechanical <br />and electrical codes, as they apply to the Property and the Project, and all other provisions of the <br />City and its Municipal Code (as they apply to the Property and the Project), and all applicable <br />disabled and handicapped access requirements, including, without the limitation, the Americans <br />With Disability Act, 42 U.S.c. S 12101 et seq., Government Code S 4450 et seq., and the Unruh <br />Civil Rights Act, Civil Code S 51 et seq. ("Governmental Requirements"). <br /> <br />6. ANNUAL REVIEW. <br /> <br />6.1 City and Owner Responsibilities. City shall, at least every twelve (12) <br />months during the term of this Agreement, review the extent of good faith substantial <br />compliance by Owner with the terms of this Agreement. Pursuant to Government Code Section <br />65865.1, as amended, Owner shall have the duty to demonstrate by substantial evidence its good <br />faith compliance with the terms of the Agreement at the periodic review. <br /> <br />11 A--111-1 <br />