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OCT-19-2001 10:44 FROM: T0: 714 647 5406 P.002~002 <br />\.. <br />sr ~M ~N~ <br />September 27, 2001 <br />Dear Customer: <br />Re: Evidence of lnsuirance Siemens 13uildin Techn~lo ics Inc. <br />r.Mr° <br />The purpose of this letter is to provide veritcation that Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. maintauis <br />appropriate insurance coverages to meet it's contractual obligations as designated in the contract documents <br />set forth in your contract with Siemens F3uilding Technolobries, Tnc. All policies are being renewed effective <br />October 1, 2U01 <br />Ihie to the tragic events of September 11, 20U1 Siemcn's insurance broker Marsh USA ine~ured major <br />disniption of their communicative & technical services that were resident at the World Trade Center. As well <br />Marsh sustained a major loss of many key personnel. This tragedy has impaired Marsh's ability to provide <br />timely verification of insurance coverage and eertiticates of insurance to Siemens customers. <br />Siu-mens Building Technologies, ]nc and Marsh LISA are endeavoring to provide new certificates of insurance <br />as duickly as possible and we anticipate that there will be delay throughout the monlla of October in your <br />obtaining the appropriate ecyt'titicate as required in your contract. Gertiticates are being issued and mailed <br />manually to our customers. <br />Sicrnc'ns Building Technologies, Inc. va.luc5 you as our customer and we trust that we have your <br />understanding and cooperation regarding delays in obtaining certifcates o.f insurance. Again please rest <br />assured that all insurance has been extended without a lapse of coverage. <br />If you have questions or. concerns we invite you to contact Siemens Auilding Technologies, lnc.'s Risk <br />Management Department in our Buffalo Grove, Illinois ottice. Please contact either Ms. Tina Tortoriee at <br />84"7-941-5333, fax no. 847-229-3688 or myself at 847.941-5420, fax no. 847-419-6810. <br />Thank you, <br />Yours truly, <br />Dreg Williamson <br />Risk ManagerJAssistant Secretary <br />Siemens Building Tecluiologies, .Tnc. <br />~~~'$ ~~ ~~ ~,Og1Vi <br />~ - ~~ <br />~ ~ 5-T p ~tCK <br />LISA, Ecity Attorney <br />"~gslb~~t <br />Siemens t~uilding Technologies, Inc. <br />1000 Dsertield Parkway Tel: (847) 215-1000 <br />Buffalo Grove, IL 60089.4513 Fax' (847) 419-6810 <br />