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<br />SIEMENS BUILDING TECHNOLOf.;IES, INC. <br />"-/ <br /> <br />Landis Division <br /> <br />....." <br /> <br />TERMS AND CONDITIONS (WIO FLS) <br /> <br />The following terms and conditions are attached to and form an integral part of Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.'s (referred to herein as "SBTI") <br />Technical Support Program Proposal ("Proposal"). The portions of such Proposal relating to "Scope of Work" or any "Proposed Solution" (in either case, <br />,referred to herein as the "Proposed Solution"), together with these terms and conditions, are collectively referred to as the "TSP Agreement". <br /> <br />Article 1: General Article 2: Equipment Testing, Inspection and Maintenance <br />.1.1 a) The TSP Agreement, when accepted in writing by the Customer 2.1 The Customer represents that all Equipment is in satisfactory <br />,and approved by an authorized representative of SBTI shall constitute the working condition. By the latter of the first thirty (30) days of this TSP <br />entire, complete and exclusive agreement between the parties relating to a Agreement or the first scheduled inspection, SBTI will have inspected all the <br />technical support program ("Services") for the equipment and software Equipment. <br />. identified in the List of Equipment or the Service Coverage Report attached 2.2 If SBTI determines as a result of such inspection that any <br />to. the TSP Agreement ("Equipmen~") and s.hall supersede a~ cancel all Equipment is in need of repair or replacement, the Customer will be so <br />pnor agreements and understandings, wntten or oral, relating to, the notified and shall take corrective action within thirty (30) days, or such <br />subje~t m.atter of the TSP Agreement. Th~ TSP Agr~ement and <;1ny nghts Equipment shall be automatically removed from coverage hereunder. SBTI <br />or obligatiOns thereunder may not be assigned by either party Without the will not be liable or responsible for the continued testing, maintenance, <br />advance written consent of the other. repair, replacement or operating capabilities of any portion of the Equipment <br />(b) The terms and conditions of this TSP Agreement shall not be until it has been restored to an acceptable initial condition at Customer's sole <br />modified or rescinded except in writing, signed by a corporate officer of expense. Any services provided by SBTI in the course of such restoration <br />SBTI. SBTl's performance under this TSP Agreement is expressly will be separately charged, on a time and materials basis, and not included in <br />conditioned on Customer's assenting to all of the terms of this TSP fees paid hereunder. If individual items of Equipment cannot, in SBTI's sole <br />Agreement, notwithstanding any different or additional terms contained in determination, be properly repaired or replaced due to age, obsolescence, <br />any writing at any time submitted or to be submitted to SBTI by Customer lack of availability of refrigerant gas, halon gas, necessary parts, materials, <br />relating to this subject matter. compatibility or otherwise, or as a result of excessive wear or deterioration, <br />c) The terms and conditions set forth herein shall supersede, ?BT~ may, ~ithin ten ,(10) days of such inspection, Qive written notice that it <br />govern and control any conflicting terms of the Proposed Solution or the IS WithdraWing such Items from coverage under thiS TSP Agreement and <br />Proposal. adjust the amounts to be paid hereunder accordingly. <br /> <br />1.2 This TSP Agreement shall automatically renew for successive 2,3 If the Propos.ed Solution p~o~ides for main~enance, any repairs ~nd <br />one (1) year periods beginning on the anniversary date of the original term repla~~ments of EqUlPr:nent are limited ~o restonng th.e proper work~ng <br />as set forth in the Proposal unless stated otherwise in the TSP condition of such EqUipment. SBTI Will not be obligated to proVide <br />Agreement.' replacement Equip~~nt that represents significant capital improvement <br />1.3 Either party may terminate or amend this TSP Agreement at the compared to the onglnal. Excha~ged co~pon~nts become th.e property of <br />end of the initial term or at the end of a renewal term by giving the other SBTI: except Hazardous Mat~n~!s, which Will under all circumstances <br />party at least sixty (60) days prior written notice of such amendments or remain the property and responsibility of Customer. <br />intent not to renew. Article 3: Charges, Fees and Invoices <br />1.4 If, during or within 90 days after the term of this TSP Agreement, 3.1 Payments to be made under this TSP Agreement will provide for, <br />Customer engages any SBTI employee who has performed Services and be in consideration of, only Services specifically included under the <br />under this TSP Agreement, Customer shall pay SBTI an amount equal to Proposed Solution. All other Services, including but not limited to the <br />the employee's latest annual salary. following, shall be separately billed or surcharged on a time and materials <br />1,5 This TSP Agreement shall be governed by and enforced in ~asis: .(a) emergency Services ~erformed at Cust<:>mer's request, if <br />accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, or if the Services are inspection does not reveal any defiCiency covered by thiS TSP Agreement; <br />provided in Canada, the Province of Ontario, All claims or disputes arising (b) Serv,ices performed other. than during SBTI's nor~al working hours; and <br />under this TSP Agreement shall be litigated in the State, Commonwealth, (c) Service performed on equipment not covered by thiS TSP Agreement. <br />or Province in which Services are being provided to Customer hereunder. 3.2 Invoices are due upon receipt or otherwise as may be set forth <br />1.6 The Services are outlined in the attached Proposal's Proposed therein. If any payment is not received when due, SBTI may deem <br />Solution provisions, incorporated by reference herein, and shall be ~ustomer to be in brea~h he~eof a~d ma~ any rem.edies avail~bl~ to <br />performed on the Equipment during SBTl's normal working hours, Monday It here~nder or at law, 1n~ludlng Without limitation suspension <:>r te:n:lna~lon <br />through Friday inclusive, excluding holidays, unless otherwise set forth of Services and acceleration of payments. Any amount not paid Within Sixty <br />herein. (60) days of the date due shall accrue interest from the date due, until paid, <br />1.7 Customer will at all times designate a contact person with at the rate of te~ percent (1.0%) per annu~. 1!1 the event of a dis~ute by <br />authority to make decisions for Customer regarding the Services. Cus~omer regardln~ any portion or al~ of an InVOIced ~mount, the u~dlspu~ed <br />Customer will provide SBTI with information sufficient to contact such portion shall be paid w~en due, and Interest on, the diSputed, unpaid portion <br />person in an emergency. If such representative cannot be reached, any shall accrue as aforesaid, from the date du~ until the date of payment, to the <br />request for Service received from a person located at Customer's premises will extent that such amounts are finally determined to be payable to SBTI. <br />be deemed authorized by Customer, and SBTI will, in its discretion, act 3,3 Customer is responsible for paying any present or future sales, use, <br />accordingly. occupancy.. excise or other federal, provincial, or local tax due or owing as a <br />1,8 SBTI will be permitted to control and/or operate all Equipment result of thiS TSP Agreement. <br />necessary to perform the Services, Article 4: Allocation of Risk <br />1,9 SBTI will not be required to conduct safety or other tests, install 4.1 (a) Until one year from either the date hereof or the date the <br />new devices or equipment or make modifications to any Equipment Equipment is installed, whichever first occurs, all equipment manufactured <br />beyond the Proposed Solution set forth in this TSP Agreement. Any by SBTI or bearing its nameplate will be free from defects in material and <br />Customer request to change the Proposed Solution or the nature of the workmanship arising from normal use and service. <br />Services must be in the form ?f a mutually agreed change order, effective (b) Labor for all Services under this TSP Agreement is warranted for <br />only when executed by all parties hereto. 90 days after the work is performed. <br />1.10 If the Equipment is altered or moved. by any.person, including (c) Equipment will not fail to function because of errors in processing, <br />~usto~er, othe~ than S~TI <:>~ a person authonzed by It,. Customer shall providing or receiving date or time data involving dates between January 1, <br />Immediately notify SBTII~ wntmg, and SBTI res~rv~ ~he nght to perform a 1999 and March 31, 2001, provided other products and software, including the <br />reacceptance test on, or If necessary a recommissIoning of, the system at computer workstation, with which the system interacts properly exchange date <br />Customer's expense. and time data with the system. <br />1,1.1 . After any .of the following events, SBTI will ~ave no Iiabilitx or 4.2 (a) The limited warranties set forth in Section 4.1 will be void as to, <br />?bhgatl?n unde~ thiS TSP Agreeme.nt, whether to the testing, and shall not apply to, any Equipment (i) repaired, altered or improperly <br />Ins~ctlon, mamtenance c:>r operation .of any EqUipment,. and. may installed by any person other than SBTI or its authorized representative; (ii) <br />termlnat.e. or suspend services under thiS TSP ~greement Imm~lately subjected to unreasonable or improper use or storage, used beyond rated <br />upon giving notice to Cust~m~r:. Customer falls to (a) authonze a conditions, operated other than per SBTI's or the manufacturer's instructions, <br />rea~ptance test or r~o~mlsslonmg that SBTI dee~s necessary; .(b) or otherwise subjected to improper maintenance, negligence or accident; (iii) <br />notify SBTI o~ any modifications or c~~nges to the ~qUlpment per Section damaged because of any use of the Equipment after Customer has, or <br />1.10; (c) notify SBTI of any conditions, malfunctions or changes per should have knowledge of any defect in the Equipment. or (iv) not <br />Section 6,2; or (d) provide the access required by Section 6.3.' ' <br />FORM HVAC (10/98) <br />