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Exhibit A <br />contribute toward medical premiums an amount consistent with the rates then in <br />effect for the "employee-only" and "family" tiers, respectively, of the CnIPERS <br />Kaiser "Other Southern California° r;elT~ HMO plan. The "employee only" tier <br />applies to employees who have no dependents. Effective January 1, 2006, the <br />City skeµ established a Cafeteria Benefit Plan for employees covered by this <br />Agreement. <br />12.7 Medical Retirement Subsidy Plan. <br />A. Effective July 1, 1998, , <br />the City began contributeding nn amount equal to one-half of one percent (.5%) <br />of the bargaining unit's salary base for the purpose of providing a retiree health <br />insurance subsidy plan. The specific payments made to members of the <br />Association pursuant to this plan shall be designated at the sole discretion of <br />the Association. The plan shall be administered by the City, at no cost to the <br />Association or its members, in such a manner as to insure that the funds are <br />invested in a reasonably secure plan that bears a reasonable rote of <br />interest/growth given current financial markets. For purposes of this <br />Agreement,, investments made pursuant to the then current Statement of <br />Investment Policy for the City of Santa Ana, shall be deemed to meet the <br />requirements of this section. Effective June 30, 2002, this .5% contribution is <br />was eliminated. <br />B. Effective July 1, 2002, employees covered by this Agreement skell-begirt began <br />contributing one-half percent (.5%) of their base salary, plus pay additives, <br />through payroll deduction to the above-specified fund currently maintained by <br />the City. This payroll deduction for retiree health insurance premium reduction <br />assistance will continue until such time as the parties may mutually agree to end <br />said deduction. <br />C. Effective October 1, 2006, °'' ^-'"`'--' ', '^^T, ^^~~~^~~ the City sk~el•4 <br />began contributeing en-eddi*ienel one-half of one percent (.5%) of the bargaining <br />unit's salary base, plus pay additives, for the purpose specified herein. T#is <br />° <br />D. Effective October 1, 2008, the City shall contribute an additional four <br />tenths of one percent (.400) for n total City contribution of nine tenths of <br />one percent (.90%) of the bargaining unit's salary base, plus pay additives, <br />for the purpose specified herein. <br />25F-7 <br />