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<br />Recovery Act. 42 U.S.C. S6901 et sea. (42 U.S.C. S6903) or (xi) defined as a "hazardous <br />substances" pursuant to Section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, <br />Compensation. as amended by Liability Act, 42. U.S.C. S9601 et sea. (42 U.S.C. S9601). <br /> <br />18. Compliance With Environmental Laws. To the best of Seller's knowledge the <br />Property complies with all applicable laws and governmental regulations including, without <br />limitation, all applicable federal, state, and local laws pertaining to air and water quality, <br />hazardous waste, waste disposai, and other environmental matters, including, but not limited to, <br />the Clean Water, Clean Air, Federal Water Pollution Control, Solid Waste Disposal, Resource <br />Conservation Recovery and Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and <br />Liability Acts, amJ the California Environment Quality Act, and the rules, regulations, and <br />ordinances of tile City within which the subject property is located, the California Department of <br />Health Services, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the State Water Resources Control <br />Board, the Environmental Protection Agency, and all applicable federal, state, and local <br />agencies and bumal IS. <br /> <br />19 Indemnity Seller agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the City harmless from and <br />ag~inst any claim action, suit, proceeding, loss, cost, damage, liability, deficiency, fl~e, penalty, <br />Punitive damage, or expense (includ'lng, without limitation, attorneyst: feedS),s' ~~~~gl~9st~~~e or <br />d (') the presence release use, genera lon, ' ' <br />arising out of, or b, >:if' upon I 'I nde; in or about or the transportation of any such <br />disposal of any H,I,."rdous Matena on: ~he vi~lation, or aileged violation, of any statute, . <br />materials to or fru,,' the Property, or (II) 'ud ment or license relating to the use, generation, <br />ordinance order 'llle, regulalion, permit, J 9 rt tion of Hazardous Materials on, under, In, or <br />release, dlschar'Ju s{orage,~isP~~i~I'i~~;~~i~~~h~1I include, without limitation, any 1~ma~~;ion <br />about to or fronl, the Props y. t or expense arising from or out of any calm, ' <br />, nitive damage, cos , , d th tangible or <br />liability, fins, Pden<JI\V /~uersonal injury (including sickness, disease, ~rin~:m~, profits or other <br />SUit or procee In9 0 m ensation for lost wages,. busllles 'sance, pollution, , <br />intangible property d"l11a~eth~o n~ural resource or the enwon~::t~~~~nmenl). lhis indemlllty t <br />economic lass, d'Hl1i1gell release, or other adverse dellteCttho,; escrow shall close. Seller shall no <br />. f n leak Spl . , I' up to the a e <br />contamlna ~o t~ \\;\,\\It,/ created pnor t~ ~ct post close of this escrow. <br />extends on y for acts or omiSSions , ereto that the , , <br />be responSible . d nd agreed between the partletSghent upon the speCifiC <br />, understoo a t d hereby \S con III d the <br />C tinQen~ It IS d the escrow crea e . f'lhese documents an <br />20 on , ction an ''''h execution 0 I <br />. ..,.-- of this trclnSa ~ City herein. let ce and approva . <br />comp\:~~e and C\[1proval of ~g~nt shall constitute accep an nded except in <br />aCCep , same I. I escrow not be modified or ame <br />delivery 0 Mendrnent. lhis PSA may <br /> <br />M dification and nd City, . valid or the <br />21: . 'Oned b'l I\\e seller j . PSA that is unenforceable o~~ of this pSA sna\\ <br /> <br />wntlng s:artiallovalidit 'd~~~~~oe~~~~e~:~~: V~Ii~;t~~~~~~I~~:~~~c~UII force. <br /> <br />~~c\usionll~::'~;~'~ ,~\~~~ emaining prOVISions 0 SA, including the title of this pSA, are for <br />have no e . and headings In thiS P onstruing this PSA. <br />'-'"ptIC\S sidered III c wilh the <br />3 caotion~ ." r\ ar> not to be con t ued in accordance <br />2. - only ;\11 . db and cons I' <br />convenience 'A hall be governe y <br />w lhls PS s <br />rnin~ ' <br />24 Gove _I calornla. <br />. fthe state I . ' <br />laws 0 <br /> <br />'t' Is ~R <br />Sellef's Inl la <br /> <br />\'a~e ') \l\'O <br />