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Eli <br />This endorsement forms a part of the policy to which attached, effective on the inception date of the policy unless otherwise stated herein. <br />Endorsement effective <br />Named Insured <br />Additional Premium $ <br />(The following information is required only when this endorsement is issued subsequent to preparation of policy.) <br />Policy No. <br />Endorsement No. <br />Countersigned by <br />This endorsement modifies such insurance as Is afforded by the provisions of the policy relating to the following: <br />COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE <br />MANUFACTURERS AND CONTRACTORS LIABILITY INSURANCE <br />OWNERS, LANDLORDS AND TENANTS LIABILITY INSURANCE <br />HIRED AUTOMOBILE AND NON -OWNED <br />AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE ENDORSEMENT <br />SCHEDULE <br />GL 04 19 <br />(Ed. 09 82) <br />(Authorized Representative) <br />Insurance is provided only with respect to those coverages for which a specific premium charge Is shown: <br />Coverage Advance Premium <br />Non - Ownership Liability S <br />Hired Automobile Liability S <br />NON - OWNERSHIP LIABILITY <br />The insurance applies to bodily injury or property damage arising out of <br />The use of any non -awned automobile in the business of the named insured <br />by any person other than the named insured. <br />HIRED AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY <br />The insurance applies to bodily injury or property damage arising out of: <br />The maintenance or use of hired automobiles in the business of the named <br />insured by the named insured or an employee of the named insured. <br />'Nith respect to the insurance provided by this endorsement. <br />.- The ea.usons, other than a.dusic n,I), (g), ill, and the Nuclear Energy <br />Liamiity Excursion iBroad Fbrm ire replaced by the following: <br />al to liability assumed by the insured under any contract or agreement; <br />b) to bodily injury to any employee of the insured arising out of and <br />in the course of his employment by the insured or to any obligation <br />of the insured to indemnity another because of damages arising out <br />of such injury, but this exclusion does not aopfy to any such injury <br />arising out of and in the course of domestic employment by the <br />insured unless benefits therefore are in whale or in part either pay- <br />able or required to be provided under any workmen's compensation <br />;aw: <br />i.0 to bodily injury or property damage arising out of the ownership, <br />maintenance, operation or use of any nom -awned automobile used in <br />'he conduct of any partnership or joint venture of which the insured <br />s a dormer or member and which is not aesgnated in the pinky <br />is a named insured; <br />J) to bodily injury or oroperry damage result -a trom the nandlmg of <br />oroperry <br />1) before It is moved from the place where it is accepted by the <br />person using a nom-owned automobile or a hired automobile for <br />movement into or onto the automobile, or <br />t2) after it is moved from a non -awned automobile or a hired autici <br />bile to the place where it is finally delivered by the person using <br />the automobile; <br />te) to bodily injury or property damage resulting from the movement of <br />property by a mechanical device (other than a hand truck) act at- <br />tached to the hired automobile or non-owned automobile; <br />(h) to property damage to (1) property owned or being transported by <br />the insured or (2) property rented to or in the care, custody or control <br />of the insured, or as to which the insured is for any purpose exercising <br />physical control. <br />2- The 'Persons Insured" provision is replaced by the foduwmg. <br />Each of the following is an insured under this insurance to the extent <br />set forth below: <br />a) the named insured; <br />b; any ocher person using a hired automobile with the oenn¢sdn of <br />the named insured, but with respect to bodily injury ar properly <br />damage it ing out of the loading or unloading thereof such other <br />person snail be an insured omy if be is: <br />q a lessee or borrower of such automobile, or <br />2) in employee of the named insured or of such lessee or borrower <br />ci with reseed to a non -owned automobile any partner or executive <br />nflcer it the named insured, but only wwle such automobile is tieing <br />ased .n the business of the named insurad: <br />dt any other person or organization, but nn:v .nth respect to his or its <br />irinty because of icts or omissions of an insured inner a, b or c <br />3odve <br />GL 04 19 09 82 Fiie i it 2 <br />