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0 <br />CONOfTICKS <br />Premium <br />The premium for this policy shall be the sum stated in the first line of Item <br />of the Declarations and /or in any applicable amendatory endorsements attached <br />hereto. <br />Inspection and Audit <br />The Company shall be permitted but not obligated to inspect the Named <br />Insured's property and operations at any time. Neither the Company's right to <br />make inspections nor the making thereof nor any report thereon shall consti- <br />tute an undertaking, on behalf of or for the benefit Of the Named Insured or <br />others. to determine or warrant that such property or operations are safe or <br />healthful, or are in compliance with any law, rule or regulation. .. <br />The Company may examine and audit the Named insured's books and records <br />at any time during the policy period and extensions thereof and within three <br />years after the final termination of this policy, as far as they relate to the <br />subject matter of this insurance. <br />financial Responsibility Laws <br />When this policy is certified as proof of financial responsibility for the future <br />such <br />under <br />nsnerance asrrs afforded by this Dnlricyeforlbddilynnjulryrliability bof responsibility law, <br />damage liability shall comply with the provisions of such law to the extent of <br />reimburse gthe liability <br />Company for payment ment made by the Companys agrees <br />which would <br />not have been obligated to make under the terms of this policy except for the <br />agreement contained in this paragraph. <br />t. insured's Duties in the Event of Occurrence, Claim or Suit <br />(a) In the event of an occurrence, written notice containing particulars sufficient <br />to identify the Insured and also reasonably obtainable information with <br />respect ro the time, place and circumstances thereof, and the names and <br />addresses of the injured and of available witnesses. snail be given oy or for <br />the Insured to the Company or any of its authorized agents as soon as <br />practicable. <br />(b) immedatelymforward suit the bCompanyg elvery ldemandfenotice ,(summons or ade or <br />other process received by'nim or his representative. <br />:.c) The Insured shall cooperate with the Company and, upon he Company s <br />regcest, assist in marling Settlements, in the conduct o l!sard in e.nftwn <br />,rig any ngnt of contribution or indemnity against any Person <br />,,no may be liable to the Insured because of injury or damage with respect <br />to which insurance is afforded under this policy: and the insured l hall <br />attend hearings and trials and assist in securing and giving <br />obtaining the attendance of witnesses. The Insured shall not. except at his <br />twit cost. voiuntanly make any payment. assume any obligation or incur <br />anv expense other than for first aid to others at the time of accident. <br />5. Arbitration <br />With respect to liability assumed once, an "incidental contract as defined in <br />'his <br />n theo,choiceeot arrb lratcaala 4e aentitled <br />thee conduct, of any arb insured's rights nil <br />6. Action Against Company precedent <br />No ac it roll lie against the Company unlex i as a f the to <br />her- a snail <br />have peen half rr1O,3n e with all t the ,I h,uefbecn <br />r --Ill , l t D' <br />h e nc ..n h t on <br />pC, <br />^ea ur r �, cd P. t a'ealns, he p afed aC[ -.�i ',i3 df <br />by n en ag' =ement a, lne Insured- he claunant -,nd the C.. r paoy- <br />Ary Der_an or organization or the legal representative 'h =reef who has to <br />ecuver cneer [bigot¢YOtro thwritten extent of the t� nsuralnceea c czrd by this entitled icy. <br />No person er orgamlicyt shad have any fight antler this acl'cy 'o loin the <br />N Qer- as a parry to any action age the Ins -red to de.= rr'.ire the Insureds <br />.ability. nor snail the Company be imoiemi by the Inmrza Or rS �e S -sore <br />Shall not r elievrrhe yC'omoany +ofnanyoof its obligations be resnaersured s =:ute <br />1. other Insurance <br />The 'insUtn ce C2dardi d bY this absence, ofcoin,, tU 3nce stated <br />0 app'y <br />r1 <br />u <br />this insurance is primary and the Insured has other insurance heham stated <br />to be applicable to the loss on an excess or contingent basis, <br />the Company's liability under this policy shall not be reduced by the existence <br />of such other insurance. I to the loss on the same <br />When both this insurance and other lasuran cthe Company shall not be liable <br />basis, whether primary, excess or contingent, <br />under this policy for a greater proportion of the loss than that stated in the <br />applicable contribution provision below: <br />(a) Contribution by Equal Shares. If all of such other valid and collectible <br />insurance provides for contribution by equal shares, the Company shall not <br />be eacha nsurer con reater ranoequal sfhare Until then shawould <br />e lof ayable if <br />equals the lowest applicable limit of liability under any one policy or the <br />full amount of the loss is paid, and with respect to any amount of loss not the rem hen continue to of thedremain ngaramount ofr the (loss until each such ins equal <br />urer has paid ,its <br />limit in full or the full amount of the loss is paid- <br />(h) contbution by equals shares• such not be I able not fr provide <br />agrreater <br />proportion <br />it for such ulossl bears to the total limit of <br />limit liability of all <br />valid and collectible insurance against such loss. <br />8. Subrogation the Company shall be szhro <br />In the event of any payment under this policy, <br />gated to all the insured's rights of recovery therefor against any person or <br />organization and the Insured shall execute and deliver instruments and papers <br />ad do afteever else <br />prejudice such to secure such rights. The Insured shall do <br />n <br />9. Changes <br />4011ce to person shall not agent <br />ffect ra waiver or apchangeei any any <br />part of this policy cy any or esto <br />the Company from asserting any right under the terms of this policy; nor She ! <br />the terms of this policy be waived or changed, except by endorsement rssueo <br />to form a part of this policy. <br />10. Assignment <br />Assignment of interest under this policy shall not bind the Company until <br />consent Is endorsed hereon: if, however. the Named insueedV amid die, a s <br />insurance as is afforded by this policy shall app Y <br />legal representative. as the Named Insured. but only while acting with :n <br />respect to the prop "- <br />scoDe of his duties as such, antl l2) with erty of the Named <br />Insured, to the person having proper temporary custody thereof, as Insured. <br />but only until the appointment and qualification of the legal representative. <br />It. Cancellation <br />This policy may he conceited by the Named insurerd by storm C thereof. to'z, <br />Comoanv or any of its authorized agents or by H <br />notice sayimg woen thereafter the cancellation shall eNamedrinsu This <br />n c. <br />may oe cancelled by the Company by g <br />'address shown in this policy, written notice stating when not less than 3O sav <br />thereafter soon cancellation shall be effective. The mailing of notice as a':re <br />said shall be sufficient proof of notice. The time of surrender or the el'I ', <br />date and hour of cancellation stated in the notice shall become the end at <br />policy Period. Delivery of such •vi-itten notice, either by the Named s -•a_ <br />by'r,= rim ny. shall .gavw <br />ant to mailing the It o d carc re.s arned d. a ?2mpinmall he a�teddal r at, <br />the C mo <br />adjustment may oe made at the snail g - time cancela idn s effected rho ! lactl <br />,ad,. <br />vee but apaym'�entade tenders of unearned loremt -able n tacphdits't� °•! <br />e:13! on. <br />12. Declarations - <br />Bv acceptance cf this pm =cY. `emeris andnrepresentations.a that th c <br />eke decarations are 'ms a4 fee <br />¢sued in reliance upon the truth of such representations hell m rs <br />embodies all agreements existing between himself and the Ccoany c of Its agents relating to this insurance. <br />IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA has caused this policy to be signed by its President and a secretary at Philadelphia, Pennssytva-a : <br />countersigned an file Declarations page by a duly Authorized Agent of the Company. <br />