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0 <br />REQUEST FOR <br />COUNCIL ACTION <br />CITY COUNCIL' <br />AGENDA DATE February 7, 1983 <br />9 <br />TITLE RENEWAL OF LICENSE AGREEMENT <br />DATE OF COUNCIL ACTION <br />ftlyor alyi r4srk <br />OF 10 L ARK CPqSSION STAND, <br />CITY MANAGER CLERK OF THE CO NCIL - <br />RECD DED ACTION <br />Approve renewal of License Agreement for a 3 year extension, between the City, <br />Southwest Santa Ana Little League, Inc. and Pop Warner Football Inc. to construct <br />and operate Memorial Park Concession Stand. <br />ON CLERK'S OFF CE <br />i <br />EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />On May 7, 1979, the City entered into an agreement with Southwest Santa Ana <br />Little League and Pop Warner Football (licensee's) to construct and operate <br />a concession stand at Memorial Park. The licensee's has since completed the <br />building shell rough utility hook ups and minor interior improvements. The <br />City has completed its obligation of providing the necessary funds ($20,000) <br />for the exterior improvements. The licensee's are gradually working on <br />completing the interior improvements, but to this date have not completed <br />all work. The agreement expired on December 31, 1982, of which the licensee <br />has one month to exercise their option for a 3 year extension. The licensee <br />has indicated their wish to extend the agreement and expressed a desire to <br />meet their obligations of the original agreement within the year. Therefore, <br />said renewal agreement identifies a 3 year extension, with the right to term- <br />inate in one (1) year, if the licensee has not completed all interior work. <br />Other alternatives available to council at this point would be to: <br />1) Terminate the agreement (base on non - performance) and exercise the <br />$10,000 performance bond <br />2) Terminate the agreement and complete interior work with City funds <br />l 2 D <br />Lease concession stand back to league or private concessionaire. <br />)5-NA <br />