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The 2003 Sewer Master Plan Update and Infiltration and Inflow Study analyzed the <br />capacity of larger city sewers (generally 10 inch diameter and larger) for peak flow <br />conditions under both dry and wet weather conditions. Deficient sewer line segments are <br />identified for prioritization in the capital replacement program. <br />No dry -weather hydraulic capacity deficiencies exist to staffls knowledge, and recent <br />projects have eliminated the major known wet-weather related deficiencies. We are <br />working with OCSD on ajoint project to correct a deficiency on the Bristol Street Trunk <br />sewer, portions of which are owned by both OCSD and the City of Santa Ana. <br />(ix) Monitoring, Measurement, and Program Modifications: The Enrollee shall: <br />(a) Maintain relevant information that can be used to establish and prioritize <br />appropriate SSMP activities; <br />The City of Santa Ana has created and uses extensive data sets to monitor SSMP related <br />activities. Enhancements to the data collection and analysis activities are in process, <br />including a portable digital map based system for field use. When complete, this system <br />will be used by engineering and maintenance staff to more efficiently operate and <br />maintain the sewer collection system. This system will enhance analysis and <br />prioritization of SSMP activities. <br />(b) Monitor the implementation and, where appropriate, measure the effectiveness <br />of each element of the SSMP; <br />The City of Santa Ana has assigned a Senior Civil Engineer to oversee the <br />implementation of all SSMP activities. This position works closely with the sewer <br />maintenance crews and FOG sanitation inspectors to implement all of the SSMP <br />activities. <br />16 <br />75A-18 <br />