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The Santa Ana Jail medical services plan requires the contractor to provide dental services in the <br />form of one (1) weekly dental clinic. Each clinic shall last no less than four (4) hours, unless <br />there is an insufficient number of patients in need of care. Dental clinics shall provide a range of <br />denta.I care including but not limited to x-rays, extraction, teeth cleaning and gum care. Dental <br />clinics shall not be required to provide oral surgery, orthodontic services or devices. <br />11.0 PSYCH CLINIC <br />The Santa Ana Jail medical services plan requires the contractor to provide psychiatric services <br />in the form of one (1) psych clinic every other week. Each clinic shall last no less than four (4) <br />hours, unless there is an insufficient number of patients in need of care. Psych clinics shall <br />provide a range of services including psych evaluations, counseling and prescription of <br />psychotropic medications. <br />12.0 JAIL STAFF SERVICES <br />Contractor shall provide baseline tuberculosis testing to all Santa Ana Jail personnel every six <br />months and immediately after any exposure incident. Baseline skin test must be via the Mantoux <br />technique: intradermal injection of 0. 1 ml of purified protein derivative (PPD) containing five <br />(5) tuberculin units. <br />Contractor shall provide a three (3) injection hepatitis immunization series to all Santa Ana Jail <br />personnel (unless already done). Immunization series must be Recombivax HB' manufactured by <br />Merck, Sharpe & Dohme or as stated by the most current regulations. Contractor shall provide a <br />blood test to all immunized employees three (3) years after initial immunization and shall <br />administer a booster to those employees that have diminished immunity. <br />Contractor shall maintain accurate and detailed records of all employees' immunization and <br />baseline history. <br />Contractor shall provide four (4) hours of annual training to Santa Ana Jail personnel. Training <br />consists of two (2) hours of blood-borne pathogens training and two (2) hours of tuberculosis <br />awareness training in accordance with State mandate. <br />13.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES <br />11 <br />