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MHKJI"f <br />Marsh USA Inc. <br />7801 West End Avenue <br />Suite 1500 <br />Nashville TN 37203 <br />875340 2529 Fax 675 340 2440 <br />m <br />w, <br />To Whom It May Concern: <br />Re: Memorandum of Insurance <br />The enclosed certificate is being sent to you to respond to your recent request. <br />Please be aware that the Red Cross has an online Memorandum of Insurance (MOI). <br />The Memorandum of Insurance will provide you with a more efficient way of obtaining <br />information about the Red Cross insurance coverage. You are encouraged to use this <br />as proof of Red Cross insurance instead of ordering a certificate of insurance for a <br />specific occasion. The MOI can be accessed from the following websites: <br />www. <br />www.redcross.oro (the Red Crass public website, FAQ section) <br />This online service is provided through American Red Cross' insurance broker, Marsh. <br />You will be asked to read and agree to the terms and conditions of service from Marsh <br />prior to printing or viewing American Red Cross' Memorandum of Insurance. <br />Should you have any questions, the contact person listed on the Memorandum website <br />is available to assist you or you may contact a representative in the Risk Management <br />Division of the American Red Cross at telephone number (202) 303-7290. <br />Marsh b Mclennan CanPanies <br />