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<br />Prohibited Conduct Sec. 31-2.
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<br />The conduct described in sections 31.2.2 through 31.2.18 shall be prohibited within the exterior boundary lines of any public park unless specifically
<br />allowed through the issuance of a permit pursuant to the requirements of section 31.3. The conduct described in sections 31.2.1 through 31.2.18
<br />shall be prohibited in the stadium or zoo unless inconsistent with the terms and conditions of uses permitted by a contract approved by the city
<br />council.
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<br />Alcohol and Drunkenness Sec.31.2.1
<br />
<br />(a) No person shall bring into, possess, consume or sell alcoholic beverages in a park or zoo.
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<br />(b) No intoxicated person shall enter, be or remain in any park, zoo or stadium.
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<br />Animals and Pets Sec.31.2.2
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<br />(a) No person in a park shall ride a horse, mule, donkey, pony or bovine animal except on designated paths or trails.
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<br />(b) No person shall abandon or bring into any park, except on leash, any animal, reptile or fowl of any kind. This prohibition shall not apply
<br />to seeing eye dogs used by a visually handicapped person, provided that the dog is at all times kept under control.
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<br />(c) No person shall wil~ully frighten, molest, injure, chase, capture or annoy any animal or bird in any park or zoo. No person shall throw or
<br />propel anything of any kind into any animal area at a zoo.
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<br />(d) No person shall feed or offer food to any mammal, reptile or fowl in a zoo, unless such food is an approved type obtained from a
<br />dispenser within such zoo for that purpose.
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<br />(e) No person owning or having charge, custody or control of any dog in a park shall either knowingly or through failure to
<br />exercise due care and control, permit such animal to defecate and allow such droppings to thereafter remain. A person shall not be
<br />considered in violation of this section if the person has the necessary equipment, i.e. shovel, bag, etc. readily available and takes
<br />immediate action to remove such droppings. Camping Sec.31.2.3
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<br />(a) No person shall camp in a park except in an area that has been designated for camping by the director.
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<br />(b) No person shall camp in a park without first obtaining a permit from the director pursuant to section 31.3.
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<br />Defacing Park Property Sec. 31.2.4
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<br />(a) No person shall willfully mark, deface or injure in any manner, or displace or remove, or tamper with any park property of any kind.
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<br />(b) No person shall willfully dig, cut, move or remove from any park or park area any sand, wood, turf, grass, gravel, shrub, or other
<br />material.
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<br />(c) No person shall wil~ully pick, saw, cut, chop, carve, remove or injure any flowers, seeds, blooms, bark, branches, twigs, shrubs, vines,
<br />bush, or any other vegetation within any park property.
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<br />Firearms and Dangerous Instruments Sec.31.2.5
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<br />(a) No person, except an authorized law enforcement officer, shall bring onto park property, other than at such firing ranges as may be
<br />specifically designated by the director, any firearm or ammunition, any explosive, dynamite cap, fireworks, air gun, pellet gun, spring
<br />gun, slingshot, bow and arrow, or any other dangerous instrument.
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<br />(b) No person shall discharge any weapon or dangerous instrument in a park other than at a firing range as specifically designated by the
<br />director for such purpose.
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<br />Fires Sec.31.2.6
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<br />(a) No person shall start or maintain, in any park, any outdoor fire, except in areas designated for picnicking or camping. fires shall be
<br />limited to cooking fires, or fires in camp lanterns or heaters.
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