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languages sufficiently to communicate clearly with the public. <br />D. Parking Manager. The Operator shall select and appoint a Parking <br />Manager whose responsibility shall be overseeing the operation of the <br />Parking Facilities. Such person must be highly qualified, experienced, and <br />successful manager of parking facilities, vested with full power and <br />authority with respect to the method and manner of operating the Parking <br />Facilities. The Parking Manager shall be present on -site a minimum of <br />eight hours per day between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. The <br />Parking Manager shall maintain an office on -site and shall be available <br />upon 15 minutes notice during regular business hours. At all times during <br />his /her absence from the Parking Facilities, a shift supervisor shall be in <br />charge of the parking operation and available at such on -site location. <br />E. Conduct of Employees. The Operator shall control the conduct, <br />demeanor, and appearance of its officers, agents, employees, and <br />representatives. Cashiers and shift supervisors while on duty shall wear <br />uniforms with clearly visible and readable nametags, which shall at all <br />times be maintained in a neat and clean condition. The Contract <br />Administrator shall approve the uniforms and nametags. All personnel <br />shall be trained by the Operator to render a high degree of courteous and <br />efficient service, and it shall be the responsibility of the Operator to <br />maintain close supervision over such personnel to assure a high standard <br />of service to patrons of the Parking Facilities. Upon objection by the <br />Contract Administrator to the unprofessional conduct, demeanor, or <br />appearance of such personnel, the Operator shall immediately take all <br />steps necessary to correct the conduct, demeanor, or appearance, which is <br />the cause of the objection. <br />F. Employee Honesty. The Operator shall take every precaution to protect <br />the City's revenue, and to ensure that all sums due and owing the City <br />from patrons of the Parking Facilities are properly assessed, collected, <br />accounted for, and deposited into a depository selected and approved by <br />the City. The Operator shall not knowingly employ or keep it its employ <br />for purposes of conducting operations under this Agreement any <br />individual who has been convicted in a court of competent jurisdiction of <br />theft or misappropriating funds. <br />G. Monthly Parking Permits. In addition to the monthly fee, the Operator <br />shall collect a $25 administrative fee for the establishment of each new <br />monthly account. Records for the administrative fee shall be maintained <br />for twelve months after the account has been closed. Should the <br />cardholder return with his /her previously assigned card key within that <br />twelve -month period, no additional administrative fee shall be charged. <br />The Operator shall charge a $15 replacement fee for replacement of a lost <br />16 <br />