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<br />(e) A failure by Licensee to observe and perform any other provision of this Agreement to <br />be observed or performed by Licensee, where such failure continues for the time period <br />specified in a written notice thereof by Licensor to Licensee. <br /> <br />(f) Any attempt to exclude Licensor from the licensed premises. <br /> <br />(g) The making by Licensee of any general assignment for the benefit of creditors; the <br />appointment of a receiver to take possession of substantially all of Licensee's assets <br />located on the Property or of Licensee's privileges hereunder where possession is not <br />restored to Licensee within five (5) days; the attachment, execution or other judicial <br />seizure of substantially all of Licensee's assets located on the Property or of Licensee's <br />privileges hereunder, where such seizure is not discharged within five (5) days. <br /> <br />(h) Any case, proceeding or other action brought against Licensee seeking any of the relief <br />mentioned in "clause g" of this Article which has not been stayed or dismissed within <br />thirty (30) days after the commencement thereof. <br /> <br />29. Remedies: In the event of any default by Licensee, then in addition to any other <br />remedies available to Licensor at law or in equity, Licensor shall have the immediate option to <br />terminate this Agreement and all rights of Licensee hereunder by giving written notice of termination <br />to Licensee. Upon termination, Licensor will have the right to remove Licensee's personal property <br />from the Property, including but not limited to, buildings, structures and fixtures. In addition, <br />Licensor may immediately recover from Licensee all amounts due and owing hereunder, plus interest <br />at the maximum rate permitted by law on such amounts until paid, as well as any other amount <br />necessary to compensate Licensor for all the detriment proximately caused by Licensee's failure to <br />perform its obligations under this Agreement. <br /> <br />30. Non-Possessory Interest: Licensor retains full possession of the Property and Licensee <br />will not acquire any interest temporary, permanent, irrevocable, possessory or otherwise by reason of <br />this Agreement, or by the exercise of the permission given herein. Licensee will make no claim to any <br />such interest. Any violation of this provision will immediately void and terminate this Agreement. <br /> <br />31. Waiver: No waiver by Licensor of any provision hereof shall be deemed a waiver of any <br />other provision hereof or of any subsequent breach by Licensee of the same or any other provision. <br />Licensor's consent to or approval of any act shall not be deemed to render unnecessary the obtaining <br />of Licensor's consent to or approval of any subsequent act by Licensee. <br /> <br />32. Authoritv: This Agreement is pursuant to the authority of and upon, and is subject to <br />the conditions prescribed by General Order No. 69-C of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of <br />California dated and effective July 10, 1985, which General Order No. 69-C, by this reference, is <br />hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof. <br /> <br />33. Attornevs' Fees: In the event of any action, suit or proceeding against the other, <br />related to this Agreement, or any of the matters contained herein, the successful party in such action, <br />suit or proceeding shall be entitled to recover from the other party reasonable attorney fees incurred. <br /> <br />34. Electric and Magnetic Fields ("EMF"): There are numerous sources of power frequency <br />electric and magnetic field ("EMF"), including household or building wiring, electrical appliances and <br />electric power transmission and distribution facilities. There have been numerous scientific studies <br />about the potential health effects of EMF. Interest in a potential link between long-term exposures to <br />EMF and certain diseases is based on the combination of this scientific research and public concerns. <br /> <br />While some 30 years of research have not established EMF as a health hazard, some health <br />authorities have identified magnetic field exposures as a possible human carcinogen. Many of the <br /> <br />-6- <br /> <br />