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disposal of any pre-existing contaminated soils of groundwater, hazardous or nonhazardous, removed from the <br />ground as a result of The Gas Company's work performed ("Pre -Existing F,nviromnental Liability"), including, <br />but not limited to, liability for the costs, expenses, and legal liability for environmental investigations, <br />monitoring, containment, abatement, removal, repair, cleanup, restoration, remedial work, penalties, and lines <br />arising from die violation of any local, state, or federal law or regulation, attorneys' fees, disbursements, and <br />other response costs. As between Applicant and The Gas Company, Applicant agrees to accept hull <br />responsibility for and bear all costs associated with Pre -Existing Environmental Liability. Applicant agrees that <br />The Gas Company may atop work, terminate it, redesign the gas facilities to a different location, or take other <br />action reasonably necessary to complete its work without incurring any Pre -Existing Environmental Liability. <br />C. Withhold Riahts. In addition to any other rights to withhold, The Gas Company may withhold from <br />Payments due Applicant such amounts as, in The Gas Company's reasonable opinion, are necessary to provide <br />security against all loss, damage, expense and liability covered by the foregoing indemnity provisions <br />III. WARRANTY <br />The Gas Company requires that Applicant warrant all materials and workmanship performed by Applicant <br />(directly or through a contractor other than The Gas Company) shall be free of all defects and fit for their <br />intended purpose. A one-year warranty on any materials and a two-year warranty on any installation work <br />provided are required. If Applicant's work or materials fail to conform to the warranty, Applicant shall <br />reimburse The Gas Company for the total cost of repair and/or replacement or The Gas Company may give <br />Applicant the opportunity to 6x within a reasonable time such defect(s). Such reimbursements are non- <br />refundable and the amount of such reimbursements may be withheld by The Gas Company and offset against <br />refundable amounts owed Applicant. <br />IV, TARIFF RULES / COMMISSION <br />A. This Line Extension Contract ("Contract") consists of and incorporates by reference the line extension <br />contract letter, Exhibits A, General Conditions and all of The Gas Company's applicable tariff schedules and <br />rules as filed from time to time with the California Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), including but <br />not limited to, the Preliminary Statement and Rules 1, 2, 4, 9, 13, 20, 21 and 22. Copies of these rules may be <br />obtained by visiting the SoCalGas' Internet site at www.socalpas.corn or byrequesting copies from your as <br />Company representative. <br />B. This contract is at all tunes subject to such changes or modifications as the Commission may direct from <br />tune to time in the exercise of its, jurisdiction. <br />C. No agent of T7tc Gas Company has authority to intake any terns or representations not contained in this <br />Contract and the tariff schedules and Applicant hereby waives them and agrees neither The Gas Company nor <br />Applicant shall be bound by them. <br />V. JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY <br />tNl-,ere two or more parties are Applicants for a Project, The Gas Company shall direct all communications, hills <br />and refrarcis to the designated Applicant, but. all Applicants shall be jointly and severally ii' le to comply will <br />all terns and conditions herein. <br />R= Mj-n, Eneceivc "ury 20n2 nine Extension Cnncnct =' O 000127505- 1 Dnrd: 03n7/2908 ?arc 3 of 4 <br />