Laserfiche WebLink
This task involves acquisition of imagery for the project. <br />Upon receiving notification that all aerial targets have been set, Johnson-Frank will <br />mobilize a camera aircraft to the project site. Stereoscopic aerial photography (color or <br />BiW, as desired by the City) will be acquired using a Leica RC-30 or Zeiss RMK-Top <br />precision aerial mapping camera and fine-grain aerial negative film, or possibly a digital <br />aerial camera. <br />Photo Lab Work <br />This task involves processing of the aerial negative film, and production of derivative hard- <br />copy <br />products. <br />51 50 E. Hunter Ave. 7 Anaheim, CA 92807 <br />(714) 777-8877 FAX: (71 4) 777-1 641 <br />City of Sanfa Ana <br />The aerial negatives will be processed, labeled, and checked for compliance with the <br />City-approved flight plan and industry standard flight tolerances. <br />Contact prints will be printed using a LogETronics Mark I1 Automatic Dodging Printer, <br />and processed using an AGFA Model 125 Automatic Processor. <br />Film Scanning <br />This task involves scanning of the aerial negatives to produce raw digital raster imagery in <br />preparation for analytical aerotriangulation, photogrammetric data extraction and <br />orthorectification. <br />Negatives of the aerial photography will be placed into a precision Photogrammetric <br />Scanning System and scanned at a resolution of 12.5 microns (2032 DPI). <br />Automatic dodging software will optimize each image, evening out localized bright and <br />dark patches to ensure even, consistent looking imagery of the highest possible quality <br />for imaging tasks. <br />Analytical Aerotriangulation <br />This task involves the densification and verification of field control data in order to enable <br />the aerial <br />imagery to be used for photogrammetric processes. <br />All point marking and reading will be performed digitally. All targeted ground control, <br />passpoints, checkpoints and drop points will be located, symbolized and marked digitally <br />on the raster images. <br />Analytical aerotriangulation computations will be run using ORIMA software, which is <br />capable of performing blockhundle adjustments using a rigorous least squares analysis, <br />and possesses error detection and removal facilities. Corrections for lens distortion, earth <br />curvature, atmospheric reflection, and film shrinkage will be applied. <br />The output X, Y and Z residuals for all control points and RMS errors for the entire <br />control network will be examined to ensure that they fall within the acceptable range for <br />the accuracy level of mapping selected by the City. <br />Digital Terrain Model Creation <br />This task involves creation of digital terrain models to support generation of contours and <br />production <br />of digital orthophotos. <br />19 <br />25K-21 <br />